All posts need to have the same title: me_irl it is allowed to use an emoji instead of the underscore _
Okay, I at least started ONE of them.
The rest... can all rot in hell, apparently:-|.
I guess I did some stuff too. Not as much as I'd like, though. But yeah
Rotting in hell might be better for them than being stuck in a limbo ;)
I... well, I started on my task. I did not finish though:-(.
But at least I started? :-)
Heck yes!
Getting started is the hard part, for me at least. I've also found that stopping at a point where one knows what to do immediately afterwards is also helpful
And I managed to finish it too, yay!
It was cleaning mold, so it really truly did just NEED to be done!
Although, they all do, really. Adulting requires much effort.:-P
Hey, nice! Yeah, probably not very good to have mold!
Effort or lowering one's standards. Can pick either of these, but I'm glad you cleared out the mold! :D
Usually I find it funny to say "por que no los dos?"... but yeah I don't think that works here!:-P