
joined 1 week ago
[–] Akito@lemmy.zip 3 points 4 days ago

One of the few worthwhile comments on Lemmy...

[–] Akito@lemmy.zip 2 points 6 days ago

Let's just wait for the earth to do it for him.

[–] Akito@lemmy.zip 14 points 6 days ago (4 children)

The day Docker works on Android, I'm settled.

[–] Akito@lemmy.zip 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The market chooses without discrimination against anybody. Capitalism is inherently anti-racist, for example. If you do the work, you get paid. No questions asked.

In such a "democracy" it's a different story. Because, for example, if you only have, let's say, 30 tenants, every single tenant can move a lot through his vote. Now, it only takes a significant amount of these 30 tenants to group up as, for example, Trump lovers and there you have this "democracy" actively discriminating Biden lovers.

Whereas, if you meet a true capitalist, he does not care where you are from, what you do, how you look... As long as you pay, nothing else matters. Only your money matters.

That said, there is only a tiny fraction of people, who really cannot afford something, they actually want or need. Most people are capable to achieve stages in life, where they become very well able to afford, what they want.

The thing about most people is that, if they cannot afford it, they don't wanna afford it.

For example, if you have no mental and physical disabilities and yet consciously decide to work as a lowly paid cashier for your whole life, then the market didn't choose shit for you. You chose, presuming you are mentally and physically capable of choice, as the average person indeed is.

[–] Akito@lemmy.zip 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

If there are ten people with ten different expectations, they would all vote for something, in summary/conclusion, "in the middle", which would make nobody happy. The best would be, if everyone could choose for themselves and that is the case right now, except many people perhaps cannot afford, what they'd wish for. Still, better than having a "democracy", where nobody is truly happy.

[–] Akito@lemmy.zip 1 points 1 week ago (4 children)

What if some people do not fit into some pre-made construction of how some dictator imagines a "nice living situation"? Every person is an individual with individual needs. Presuming, that a single bedroom is big or small enough for every single person is absolutely undermining the fact of how diverse people actually are, as are their visions of their own lives.

[–] Akito@lemmy.zip -2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Then it should be illegal to have no children, because if everyone had no children, we would literally go extinct.

[–] Akito@lemmy.zip 1 points 1 week ago

Although, it'd be important to backup issues too and this'd unfortunately require a Github token.

[–] Akito@lemmy.zip 1 points 1 week ago

Which ones do you deem important?

[–] Akito@lemmy.zip 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I wonder, if dog lovers here would be just as chill, if someone would respond something like "Yeah, we rip apart doggies for fun... because it's fun". :D

[–] Akito@lemmy.zip -3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Dogs are vicious, that's why. Not even talking about the fighting dogs, which rip apart babies. I'm talking about small "cute" dogs, that bite girls and rip apart their toys for fun... Yeah, had that all happen to young women I got to know in my life and they are all traumatised.


Looking for your personal lists of Github repositories, which might be deleted from Github at some point, for whatever reason. For example, the maintainer might delete his account from Github or archive all his repositories.

A famous example of an open source project, which had trouble to continue thriving, is youtube-dl.

Which projects' repositories do you think are worth backing up?


Looking for your personal lists of Github repositories, which might be deleted from Github at some point, for whatever reason. For example, the maintainer might delete his account from Github or archive all his repositories.

A famous example of an open source project, which had trouble to continue thriving, is youtube-dl.

Which projects' repositories do you think are worth backing up?


Looking for your personal lists of Github repositories, which might be deleted from Github at some point, for whatever reason. For example, the maintainer might delete his account from Github or archive all his repositories.

A famous example of an open source project, which had trouble to continue thriving, is youtube-dl.

Which projects' repositories do you think are worth backing up?


Looking for your personal lists of Github repositories, which might be deleted from Github at some point, for whatever reason. For example, the maintainer might delete his account from Github or archive all his repositories.

A famous example of an open source project, which had trouble to continue thriving, is youtube-dl.

Which projects' repositories do you think are worth backing up?

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