It’s not just about the page—the source code is available too. Ads are everywhere, so this feels a bit nitpicky to me.
Also no ads on my mobile
It’s not just about the page—the source code is available too. Ads are everywhere, so this feels a bit nitpicky to me.
Also no ads on my mobile
Fair enough—at least you didn’t hide and vote anonymously. May I ask why the hate? Their cloud products are quite popular.
Why is this downvoted?
Medium update: Bugfixes, much faster rendering, new beautiful inifinite background terrain with triangles, player spaceship is on always on top. Pls destroy my shmup !
I asked deepseek: Downward-growing stacks** are more common in many architectures (e.g., x86, ARM). This convention originated from early computer architectures and has been carried forward for consistency.
Funny, I can't remember, because I did a lot of assembler.
What about stacks grows to higher addresses?
Do you know a better place to post my request for more visibility?