[-] mannivu@livellosegreto.it 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

@dont_lemmee_down @Ludrol knowing which bench you edited as last person can be done easily with overpass-turbo.eu too https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1JVw . More difficult is to know which you created.


[-] mannivu@livellosegreto.it 1 points 6 months ago

@woelkchen sure, but there are some infos that don't have enough notability to be on Wikipedia: for example if a road has a minor renovation that shouldn't be mentioned on Wikipedia, but it could be mentioned on this dedicated wiki

[-] mannivu@livellosegreto.it 1 points 6 months ago

@woelkchen @Woovie as they said “The New York Times isn’t going to write an article about maintenance on highways in the middle-of-nowhere Texas or Colorado”, so it looks like they add informations that are not always backed with citations


Oggi è stato un pomeriggio prolifico su #OpenStreetMap. Ho aggiunto delle rampe nella piazza pedonale della città confinante e il routing per gli utenti in sedia a rotelle è migliorato sensibilmente.


[-] mannivu@livellosegreto.it 1 points 8 months ago

@SeeandMap @MapAmore @openstreetmap I know, I know, it was just a test. I knew where to find a POI with a linked Commons File and pasted the URL in the image tag, but I didn't save it 😉

[-] mannivu@livellosegreto.it 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

@MapAmore @openstreetmap just checked, and if you add an image= tag you get a clickable link in iD too

[-] mannivu@livellosegreto.it 3 points 8 months ago

@MapAmore @openstreetmap crossing:markings=artwork seems a good key. crossing:markings=yes is too generic, IMHO

[-] mannivu@livellosegreto.it 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

@JonnY se vuoi rispondere a un commento su Friendica (per esempio) credo che il modo più semplice sia copiare il link al commento e poi incollarlo nella casella di ricerca e sperare che esca. Per esempio io questo commento lo sto scrivendo dalla mia istanza di Mastodon usando questo metodo: copia, incolla in Ricerca, seleziona, rispondi

[-] mannivu@livellosegreto.it 1 points 10 months ago

@pietervdvn I see your point and I have to agree with your analysis. But, I think that adding a man_made=water_tap could be useful to differentiate it from a natural spring (even if we have a dedicated tag for those).

[-] mannivu@livellosegreto.it 2 points 10 months ago

@pietervdvn @Doudouosm @openstreetmap shouldn't this be mapped as a "man_made=water_tap"? It seems pretty hard to drink directly from those machines, I wouldn't map them as a drinking point.


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