They are a prefect example of I'm a prviliged person who has not suffered so I refuse to believe that the current system causes suffering
Open source android apps has entered the hallway, I'm sorry but the amount of cool, open-source privacy respecting apps on android is MAGNITUDES higher than IOS, I wouldn't like having a locked down phone on my hand, it's painful. My need to use "unsanctioned" apps is on par with wanting to eat fruits after cutting them in even pieces instead of biting on the whole. It's a strong preference thing because I would not like having to eat whole apples(for example) EVERY TIME I eat.
Implying that we should not give anyone any freedom just because it can be abused, Developers can make better and more privacy respecting OS than vanilla android and we should just flush all that drown the drain and instead shove everything vanilla into everyone's ass. GREAAAT!
While also, making device cheaper, if I can get the same device with the same specs with a diffrence of 100usd with extra bloatware(plus bootloader unlocking capabilities), you know what I'm buying
Implying we didn't have them before
thanks for the good laugh
Something being legal does not make it moral, and just because an act is illegal doesn't make it immoral.
Well said
I have genuinely started to dislike the internet as a whole in the last couple of years, where everyone is trying to be "familiar-friendly " and "corporate-friendly" like wtf? Even I've got enough shadow bans on me(especially on the ones by google) that I've almost got a strange gut reaction when using a swear word, to stop and consider if it's going to get me banned. But atleast I'd be able to say what I want. Even then, I'm just so much more happy that I can type out long-ass 10 page rants and it would not be considered a spam, just because of being long on reddit and eternity. Also, fuck lemmy world mods for censorship.
I stand corrected. I apologize for not paying more attention towards usernames, assuming that you're a completely different entity and making that dumb remark.
They are clearly trying to say that every post is a meme nowadays that it wouldn't make a difference if you used them interchangeably.
ikr!, I'm still on this never-ending journey of self-improvement but I still cannot for the life of me not cringe out from my past self. I have a friend who is dealing with stuff I dealt with, probably worse, and I cannot convince him to change. He literally cannot fanthom that the way he is his problem, which he needs to address instead of blaming everything wrong with his life on others. How do we even help these people?