Easily the best answer 😂
I think the only answer would be to drop the dollar as an exchange currency.
We can't rely on it anymore with fascists in power. It's too much power given to them.
Hasn't been in the last 8 years. At least.
The world can't keep building around a strong USA.
Et putain mais il veut pas fermer sa gueule lui ? Et genre, respecter le process de vote US... Mais non, il faut qu:il se fasse remarquer pour exister.
Means Linux is getting traction in gaming ^^
Damn I hated you on those first lines 😂
Or simply because genocide bad ? I'm not Muslim but would clearly welcome some sanctions
Well I guess we can thank Trudeau for that 😁
Youtube shorts are the worst. I am transgender so my historic is really not right wing
30mins on shorts and I end up in Shapiro's Dreamland. It's a nightmare
That is so wrong.
I'm 41. Figured it out around 36 because I never had the vocabulary to describe it and understand it. And I was miserable.
That's "don't say gay" bullshit aimed at making us invisible. And you.ve regress from "no pu blocker" to "don't talk about it". Nice support.
Enjoy your youth suicide rate...
Pretty wild to want to add channel when:
- their interface is garbage
- their content is pretty lacking
If they play any "pay for that channel", it's insta unsub
That's the problem when main mediad are mixing antizionism and antisemitism. Makes every Jew a target as it means Jew = Israel.
Really sorry for the kid, no one should have to endure that.