Ich hätte die gerne in kleiner - ich futtere keine 500gr Remoulade bis die schlecht wird
Der Punkt hier ist ja eher, dass es gut ist, wenn das Internet und alles andere irgendwann vorbei ist. Wenn das Forum leer gelesen ist und du nicht 18 Stunden am Tag da abhängen kannst. Wenn die Kneipe doch irgendwann mal dicht macht und du nach Hause muss. Wenn die Bundesliga Sommerpause macht. Wenn die Zeitung durchgelesen ist und die nächste erst morgen ins Haus kommt. Dann haben Dinge ein natürliches Ende und du hängst nicht zombiemäßig doomscrollend vor TikTok.
In most cases of such messages the end goal is for you to invest in some crypto investment scam. There are scam centers in south east asia full of slaves who are chatting with you, flirt with you and then are giving you investment advice or try to get money from you
Just a warning: Euronews was taken over by Victor Orban, so you might want to skip what Victor Orban has to say about the AfD and german right-wing idiots in eastern germany.
I really don't want to connect my reddit username & the subreddit in question to this post.
I'm running Geoactivity Playground on top of my Strava, which really works great. It also would work if you kick Strava into the bin and just feed it GPX files
I have Audio-CDs from the 80s that are still playing 40 years later. And I have CDs with deep scratches that also play without problems.
You can still buy games in stores.
Well, that's an absolute no-go and thanks for reminding me to never buy one of their products
No, it isn't. But Nestlé is the perfect example of a global company which shows why "BuyfromEU" might be problematic. It is based in Europe. But it also sells globally, has offices everywhere and it is owned by people in different countries. So is Nestlé a european company with this shareholder structure?
Yes and no. First of all, there is nobody who wants to take over. So the option is "abandon it" vs. "kill it". Reddits actions in regard of their mods do have consequences. And it also doesn't belong to the community as Reddit is actively claiming ownership. So to take your church analogy: The pastor wants to quit. The bishop claims ownership and control of everything, is actively harming the community, but can't provide a replacement priest.
And in my opinion it is better to stop projects like this instead of abandoning them as abandoned places & subreddits will get taken over by spammers, crazy people and full on nazis.
In einer gerechten Welt würde man der AfD wegen illegaler Parteienfinanzierung über Strohmänner aus dem Ausland so richtig den Arsch aufreißen und auch einen internationalen Haftbefehl plus Auslieferungsgesuch gegen ihn verhängen