Because the right HATES teachers unions and any public worker. Teachers are an easy mark because parents are panicky and reactionary about their kids. Makes it easy to rile them up and manipulate them to their ends. The strong teachers union is something the right despises.
It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with our culture glorifying violence as the solution in tons of entertainment and a massive amount of guns readily available. Not our culture that puts all value on the individual and down plays community. The culture that works to isolate and divide people and vilifies collective action. No, it’s DEFINITELY a pill’s fault.
Yes, children were never violent before prozac.
Private equity - often funded by our own 401Ks, destroying every business they touch with almost no oversight. Strip mining American wealth before the rich abandon this country for various tax havens to set up their network states. Total trash.
It’s why his boy Tuck was making Russian travel guides and love songs leading up to the election. The right has a full chub for Putin.
Pathetic and blackmail are definitely on brand for Trumpland.
Fucking Krasnov incentivizing rich hucksters to buy $5 million visas and de-incentivizing the STEM folks we desperately need.
Only consequential fraud is by medical corporations overcharging or scamming. Only going to get worse as they fire the auditors.
Okay. Wasn’t sure how you meant that. I am union myself.
Well, ever since stock buybacks were re-legalized and other safe guards that once incentivized the health of the company, not only quarterly share holder value. Publicly traded company wasn’t always synonymous with strip mining value. Reagan was an accelerant on that decay for sure.
Sounds like Carmel, IN.