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Bisschen off topic: Ich habe vor ein paar Monaten Axel Voss auf der Straße getroffen und wir sind kurz ins Gespräch u.a. über Artikel 13 gekommen.
Er meinte, dass letztendlich ja gar nichts schlimmes passiert sei, und dass entgegen einiger Behauptungen von Influencern das internet nicht untergegangen ist, und dass ich mich bei ihm melden solle, wenn ich Probleme diesbezühlich mitbekommen sollte. Ich meinte zu ihm, dass nur, weil die Richtlinie nicht so wie geplant in deutsches Recht umgesetzt werden konnte, es ja keine gute Idee bzw Richtlinie war.
Habe ich da erwas falsch verstanden?
Wenn ich in Zukunft bspw. Einen Film pirate, könnte ich danach meinen Provider Anzeigen, weil der das übermittelt hat?! Außerdem ist doch heute sowieso fast jede Webseite verschlüsselt. Wie sollen die Anwälte denn herausbekommen, dass über ein offenes WLAN etwas illegales gemacht wurde?
It was meant to be replaced by renewables but our minister of economics dumped the whole solar and wind turbine industry. Additionally his party made up bullshit rules about a minimum distance for turbines to households, which was apparently 10x of the reasonable distance and which made it very hard to find spots in densely populated Germany. And to this day, the federations with a renewable energy surplus have to pay more for electricity than those who give a shit about renewables. -it is discussed to be changed now but idk
6 adblockers?! Have you looked into uBlock origins customisable block lists? You can combine at least 3 blockers with that. Additionally you could add custom block lists.
Edit: clarifications and spelling errors.
In Android 13, there are two different battery optimization steps, are you sure, signal is unoptimzied? I have had no issues at all. Even now without Google GMS, I receive them within 20 seconds. Edit: You can also bulk delete pictures fairly easy within Signal in the settings. Imho its the videos though, that take away the most memory.
In fact, there are vaccines against some cancer types. There's a virus, which is responsible for almost all womb cancer cases. Here in Germany, the vaccine is free, if you're under 20 iirc.
What excactly dont you like about FF? The ability to add addons (on nightly, you can even add any Desktop add-on you like), tab containers / cookie jars, or the flawless syncing to desktop, including passwords and bookmarks?
What? There is a module for that called SafetyNetFix. I am fully rooted and can usw any App I want.
Wie haben die denn meine Deutschlandfahne vegan zubereitet? :D
You're only partly right. You example services. Of course it is not possible to own services. Piracy is only applicable to products. The point of the Twitter guy is, that companies intentionally stop selling their software etc. as products to sell you the same thing as a service, so that you cannot own it.
poor elephant 🥺