[-] 0rg45mlc5uck3r84@lemmy.world 6 points 4 days ago

Oh but they do! Dedovshchina is love, dedovshchina is life!

[-] 0rg45mlc5uck3r84@lemmy.world 3 points 3 weeks ago

It's not about the size of the hands that matter but how you use them. ;) Hands size shaming must come to an end. But yeah I can pretty much grab a basket ball single handedly and throw it accurately, no problem.

[-] 0rg45mlc5uck3r84@lemmy.world 1 points 4 weeks ago

Dedovshchina is Life, Dedovshchina is Love

[-] 0rg45mlc5uck3r84@lemmy.world 17 points 2 months ago

Bad things about PIA? Apart from the fact it was bought 5 years ago by Kape Technologies, a former malware distributor, involved in state sponsored espionage and mass surveillance, who also owns Cyberghost, Express VPN and Zenmate plus a plethora of VPN review sites and social network channels that promote its own products as top notch?


[-] 0rg45mlc5uck3r84@lemmy.world 1 points 4 months ago

Yes, the philistines, I'm not a native english speaker. What do you mean what are the "sea peoples"? How can you not know one of the darkest episode in world's history? The Philistines who, in the 12th century BCE and under Egyptian auspices seeking truce after years of bloody wars, settled on the coast of the region they gave the name to, Palestine, are counted among the Sea Peoples by most researchers. Egyptian inscriptions call them “Peleset” while Hebrews called them "Plishtim" - philistines. Much suggests that they are of Greek origin. It is conceivable that the Philistines were in fact Mycenaeans and involved in the invasions and wars that destroyed the Hittites and brought an end to pharaonic Egypt's golden age. Sea Peoples, any of the 7 groups of aggressive seafarers who invaded eastern Anatolia, Syria, Palestine, Cyprus, and Egypt toward the end of the Bronze Age, especially in the 13th century bce. They are held responsible for the destruction of old powers such as the Hittite empire. Because of the abrupt break in ancient Middle Eastern records as a result of the invasions, the precise extent and origin of the upheavals remain uncertain. Principal but one-sided evidence for the Sea Peoples is based on Egyptian texts and illustrations; other important information comes from Hittite sources. Tentative identifications of the Sea Peoples listed in Egyptian documents are as follows: Ekwesh, a group of Bronze Age Greeks (Achaeans; Ahhiyawa in Hittite texts); Teresh, Tyrrhenians (Tyrsenoi), known to later Greeks as sailors and pirates from Anatolia, ancestors of the Etruscans; Luka, a coastal people of western Anatolia, also known from Hittite sources (their name survives in classical Lycia on the southwest coast of Anatolia); Sherden, probably Sardinians (the Sherden acted as mercenaries of the Egyptians in the Battle of Kadesh, 1299 bce); Shekelesh, probably identical with the Sicilian tribe called Siculi; and Peleset, generally believed to refer to the Philistines, who perhaps came from Crete and were the only major tribe of the Sea Peoples to settle permanently in Palestine. After all the chaos associated with the invasion of the Sea Peoples, what emerged c.1100BC were the Philistine Pentopolis, the 12 Tribes of Israel, Phoenicia, Aram-Damascus, Ammon, Edom and Moab.

Middle east circa 1100 BCE

[-] 0rg45mlc5uck3r84@lemmy.world 0 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

As i told you before, arabs are very fond of Nazis. They love them! They would've sucked'em their cocks if they could've! Like they even formed an Arabia SS Legion to fight for the Nazis! And look how proud was hajj amin al-hussaini inspecting them with the magical Nazi salute:

[-] 0rg45mlc5uck3r84@lemmy.world 0 points 6 months ago

In my unmeasurable generosity, bashing terrorist vermin I offer it for free. You're welcome!

Pest control

[-] 0rg45mlc5uck3r84@lemmy.world 0 points 6 months ago

Awwwww, so frikin SALTY! I'm loving it! First, there's no african putting food on my table, never have been, don't own nothing to them. I have to wake up daily at 8 and work from 9 to 17 like my father before me and like his father before him and so on, so yeah, I don't own nothing to a no good lazy ass scratching muppet that destroyed all the infrastructure and hospitals and schools the mighty civilized and cultured Europeans built for them just because they value the full of bs quran and 60 years old muhamed's love for a 9 year old Aisha, more than science and progress. Start working you good for nothing lazy bastards and stop asking for charity! You ain't getting none.

[-] 0rg45mlc5uck3r84@lemmy.world 0 points 6 months ago

Thought u were smarter. You know the OG white supremacists, the Nazis and their Adolf were allied with the arabs in their fight and conquest and pillaging and destruction of the whole civilized world. Yup the same Arabs, like the Palestinians, that trade 1.7 million black and asian souls every year even to this day, with numbers on the rise. The "wonderful" modern kafala system. They're your white supremacists, boiiii. So no, I'm not one of them. And one more reason for you to thank Israel they're fighting it!

[-] 0rg45mlc5uck3r84@lemmy.world 0 points 6 months ago

Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Ukraine, Serbia, Switzerland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden, Norway, Iceland would like to chime in.

[-] 0rg45mlc5uck3r84@lemmy.world 19 points 6 months ago

Those Uyghur slave workers in Elon's Chinese Tesla factories don't come for free it seems.

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