Dass ich das nochmal erleben darf. Ich hatte Gimp 3.0 nicht vor dem Fusionsreaktor erwartet.
short anecdote:
I met a girl from afghanistan recently and it kinda made me understand why it's so important to accept these people. they've really been through a lot and not accepting them would be a bad mistake.
It's how people say: you're against migration until you've actually met some migrants.
Still, it sours me that we talk so much about migration and migrants and so little about the reasons for migration, which are the horrible wars that the US and allies have fought in afghanistan and nearby countries for long time for practically little to no reason. honestly, it's the US's fault, and they should take some responsibility and actually care for these people, even if only financially.
Wenn du einen Faschisten "Faschisten" nennst, bekräftigst du damit sein Selbstbild.
Edit: ich finde, "schräg" ist eine gute Übersetzung von "weird". Transportiert irgendwie die Schieflage ganz gut.
I understand you're excited, but aren't you overdoing it a bit?
Naja ich glaube Speichel hat ja desinfizierende Wirkungen oder so? Und Honig enthält ja Bienenspeichel. Außerdem hat es viele Mineralien und so...
Yeah I observed something similar.
Applied to a job position, got "sorry we already filled that position" back, three weeks later the job position was still listed as open.
(Yes I did fulfill the formal requirements. No I don't think they were just nicely saying "nope")
externalized obesity epidemic
Because you can't pack this much fat into one body.
Hätte heißen sollen:
20 Stunden/Woche
Oh, ihr habt aber einen schönen Hof :)