FINE vs FIRE - what are you saving for?
FIRE is a lifestyle movement with the goal of gaining financial independence and retiring early.
Flow Charts:
Personal Income Spending Flow Chart (US)
Personal Income Spending Flow Chart (Canada)
Personal Income Spending Flow Chart (Australia)
Personal Finance Flow Chart (Ireland)
Useful Links:
Mr. Money Moustache - a frugal lifestyle blog
Related Communities:
I'm about 10 years away and haven't 100% decided what I'm going to do, but that should be around the time my oldest leaves the house. Here are some things I've thought about, in rough order of my passion for each:
I'll probably do one of the first two, we'll see about the rest.
Build the treehouse!
Kids grow up to fast…
Yup, planning to write up some plans this winter so I can build it in the spring. Have kids from 4-10, so I think it's the perfect time to build one, and my SO has been begging for a mini playground, which I've pushed back on because we have a park within walking distance.