this post was submitted on 05 Feb 2025
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I don’t understand the point of this product. Is it cheaper? Are there screen improvements?
All I see is a switch with the color removed from the joycons. Do the joycons fix the drift problem from the previous model? If so, are they backwards compatible with the original switch (do they snap on or is it a different size)?
i cannot imagine someone using lemmy and not being aware that hardware can improve over time
I cannot imagine someone using Lemmy and misinterpreting my comment. I honestly have not seen anything impressive advertised about this “upgrade” so far. Was wondering if anyone knew anything more than “it’s bigger”. I guess we’ll see what happens.
What updated piece of tech releases without updated components? A lot of tech products get updated yearly and usually have ram and chip upgrades at minimum. The Switch is running on a 7 year old mobile processor and considering that is incredible. The Switch 2 will probably blow the original Switch out of the water in terms of specs. We don’t know anything because this wasn’t a proper reveal IMO. It was Nintendo’s hand being forced by leaks and we’ll find out all the details on April 2nd as announced.