Urbanists.Video is a great peertube instance with some transit focused creators, such as Adam Newton and Paige Saunders.
Also the home of Reece Martin and Oh The Urbanity's video content :)
I also know of Ray Delahanty (CityNerd) on Mastodon.
Urbanists.Video is a great peertube instance with some transit focused creators, such as Adam Newton and Paige Saunders.
Also the home of Reece Martin and Oh The Urbanity's video content :)
I also know of Ray Delahanty (CityNerd) on Mastodon.
Noted, didn't realize Ray was on Mastodon too
These are in German but you didn't limit your question to ones posting in English:
Noted, I intentionally didn't limit it to English, it would be good to see non-English speaking part of fediverse after all
Does NotJustBikes count? https://social.notjustbikes.com/@notjustbikes
Ahh found one. Adding it to the list.
Everything about public transportation!