Now fucking progressives aren't left wing? What the hell is the point of calling it a "wing" if Liberals and Progresives aren't a part of it, ffs?
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Elitist fucks gatekeeping to prevent ideological poisoning.
Progressive as a label really doesn't have to mean left wing at all. See: self professed progressive Angela Merkel, the progressive conservatives in Canada, and the Ur-Progressive of America Teddy Roosevelt who was far from a leftist, especially compared to his early political rival(and the true father of the progressive label from his book "Progress and Poverty") Henry George.
We need left-wing influencers who can effectively use populist tactics. We need less extremism from the progressive left, because in our obsession with social issues, we’ve lost the plot. We need to refocus on the economic needs of the people and stop alienating those who would otherwise support us.
I am trying to get UBI (Universal Basic Income) implemented, and i am against migration. (Read that carefully: I am against migration, not against migrants)
So ... the left constantly shits on me for being "a racist", while the right are ... idiots.
What do i do?
The left had influencers.
Their names were Joe Rogan and Bernie Sanders, and you all smeared them online and, in Bernie's case, cheated him out of a presidential nomination. The alt opinions available now on the left are people who, for whatever reason, aren't willing to walk on eggshells and follow SJW orthodoxy, so they too get treated badly.