tea is cheap and you read the leftover leaves from drinking a cup. that is some wasteful and expensive divination.
Witchy Memes
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Plus, with an additional time preparation and consumption of tea\coffee implies, one can charm a person to better believe whatever comes in that forecast. It's an important lag psychology-wise, that also kinda involves people themselves in the said process, so they have harder times doubting it all.
ceremony is key.
I’d be really unhappy if I stepped in a pile of spaghetti-O’s while walking into a gas station.
Some might say it's too disruptive, but that's just tone policing.
People these days don't know how to appreciate a bit of showmanship I tell ya hwat
It is ill advised because Mr. Boyardee is a scoundrel and his spirit will influence predictions so that they ultimately lead to hijinks, his council should only be trusted in matters of pasta.
that sounds way fucking cooler tbh
LOL. I mean, reading runes as a form of divination is basically on this level. The idea is that you fill a bag with runes, then dump it out on a surface and make your reading based on how they fall.
Personally I prefer to use spaghettios divination in my practice.
I laughed way too hard at this.
"Things are heating up!"