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Thank you all for being here, it makes a big difference
- You don't have to post here, but it's fun!
- You don't have to post right away, come back later if you want
- You can post as many times as you want
I don't know what to post
- Share what you're looking for, or what you want to do. We'll help you find it
- Ask questions! The Fediverse is new to most people. If you're unsure about something, others are unsure as well.
- Just smile and wave, maybe someone will wave back ๐
Totally :)
We've got a few link in this post, and I can add the note about language settings being wrong. What other links would be worth including?
I can also pull out content and put them in the post directly, such as the lemmyapps and lemmyverse links
I would also add a point to, as this seems to be a quite popular issue
The content of that post seems good. Indeed, the ! would be worth adding.
You already include ! and ! in that post, so it seems cool.
You can always give it a try and people will suggest improvements if needed :)
I agree with that.