Read how other dictatorships came and went. Nicaragua had a good revolution until the US fucked it up, twice. Belarus had an ugly flip. Italy went in and came out. Read a book from the POV of Germans during Hitler and that was crazy. Read and gain perspective on what went wrong.
United States | News & Politics
We need more Luigis
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State level electoral reform and starting new political parties is the only non violent way forward. The democrats don't need to die for us to be able to vote outside the two party system without a spoiler effect.
Electoral Reform Videos
First Past The Post voting (What most states use now)
Videos on alternative electoral systems
if your senator filled over it's time for you to organize and HOUND THEM.
it starts with you contacting your like minded people and have a game plan ready to go:
senators name, phone #, email, x, blue sky accounts and a statement saying something like:
you fucking twatwaffle we are your constituents and you represent us, your actions on this matter is proof that you no longer do so, so we are going to replace you.
find out how to recall, find out how to petition (what gets the state legislature involved)
buy a firearm and take training classes
start there.