I really like what's there so far. The sea charting activities were probably the low point for me (too numerous, too fiddly, too much like filling a map in a Ubisoft game), but everything else seems like a great foundation to build on.
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Couldn't agree more on the sea charting. The whole interface for it put me off as low effort and non-immersive
Haven't played yet but gotta say from the outside it looks like it has some some cool gameplay loops to go into.
What gets me personally super duper hyped is the possibilities of how incredibly interconnected the will be with all the other game systems. Like this is at the minimum a medium to big area expansion and not just for sailing only but all the islands that are created with it that have different stuff like slayer cave, woodcut etc.
I am cautiously optimistic. The navigation in the alpha is a lot smoother than I expected it to be. I am curious how a lot of the interactions will vary between the different game modes. I have a maxed main, but I mostly play my uim these days.
I'm mainly concerned with how it'll interact with the rest of the game. Specifically travel and how restrictive it can be in the early game.
That, and even if you're not allowed to dock places you wouldn't normally be able to reach, it'll be kind of weird being able to see those places as soon as you start sailing. Especially in a smaller boat where you probably wouldn't realistically need a dock.
I would imagine there will be in game lore about why you can’t dock at certain ports that are locked behind quests.
It would be funny if something sneaked through the cracks like being able to trade with someone standing on the shore of Entrana.