His Spidey Sense™ is so strong he responds before the question is asked (also this is why he made it in time, he was chasing a taxi an hour in advance to be just a bit late)
Shouldn't the president first choose to declassify then? Or is it ok for the president to choose ad-hoc to declassify for someone specifically without even informing anyone else?
You're right, I mixed up sophistry and fallacy. Better check next time
see them as tactical conversational attacks
Well, fallacies originally were not meant to fool yourself, but to win argument by any means. So you are describing a fallacy, even if it's not called that
I'm not quite sure that President is above the law until impeached, and that's what I see in your message
I wouldn't be surprised if he also trespassed the laws of physics. Luckily this is unlikely
Only third party sync, I use Syncthing for that, works great most of the time
Well then they will have to slightly extend the term (until death do them part)
Remember not to skip your prescriptions
CEO: why not both?
I still think that better late than never
To be fair, I'm using Linux, MacOS with Darwin Nix for managing it, Windows, and I still am not sure what exactly is an operating system, what's the role of kernel and all of the possible system software is. Well, I think kernel is for hardware abstraction, but other than that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯