submitted 1 year ago by Lucero@hexbear.net to c/politics@hexbear.net

“conveyor belt of mediocre men who have convinced themselves they’re gods.”

submitted 1 year ago by PKMKII@hexbear.net to c/politics@hexbear.net
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by privatized_sun@hexbear.net to c/politics@hexbear.net

I'm joking, but the proxy state of Ukraine are doing full neoliberalism like their new owners in the US/EU, so give it some time and I'm sure they will start extracting that sweet, sweet, sweet blood soon enough. "ACTUALLY Putin is the real imperialist for stopping ~~blood theft~~ voluntary exchange between individuals, we must join forces with nazis to smash the state!!! Putin's critique of the global labor aristocracy isn't TRUE MARXISM"

As one of the few countries in the world that allows donor remuneration, the United States provides between 65 and 80 percent of the world’s source plasma, functioning as what medical journalist Douglas Starr calls “the OPEC of plasma”. In 2016, the United States exported $19 billion worth of plasma, a value comparable to what we export in medium sized cars and clothing. By another measure, plasma is worth more by unit than oil

Tell me again how the book Settlers is wrong in casting the class of Liz Warren wendigos as demonic nazism that only exists as a "parasitic genocidal entity"?

"Thinking of plasma donation as work might feel uncomfortable for some" https://jacobin.com/2023/08/blood-money-book-review-plasma-donation-exploitation-labor

comfy PMC at Jacobin really did say 'blood work is work' lmao woke neoliberals are beyond parody, I could never be so cynical to write this joke

"We should not assume that US government officials know what is best for poor Mexicans better than the latter themselves do. Such paternalism is especially worthy of condemnation...the argument that paid plasma donation qualifies as "labor for hire" strikes me as highly dubious. It is far more akin to the sale of a commodity." https://reason.com/volokh/2021/06/25/biden-administration-imposes-cruel-border-restriction-barring-mexicans-from-crossing-to-the-us-to-sell-blood-plasma/

the "google Bookchin" anti-communist PMC at Reason demonstrating woke anarcho-neoliberal ideology, glorifying the individual as a free market enterprising agent who transforms themselves into a commodity. I can't wait til blood workers start making LinkedIn blood pages branding themselves: "genuine 100% artisanal Oaxaca plasma" :matt:

This Reaganite hegemonic project of deregulation in favor of "free markets for individual consumers" is a cornerstone of woke Liz Warren adjacent radlibs since OWS. Whether its empowering ~~Ukrainian teens~~ sex workers in rationally navigating the global marketplace to make choices as an individual to visit ~~Epstein's island~~ decolonized pagan temples, or getting ~~alienated workers~~ excess free-time having consumers addicted to the 'small consumer joys' of Big Tobacco/opiate corpos, or if its crossing the border to sell blood to labor aristocrats. "Harm reduction" is a cute meme for neoliberal demons to pretend they are progressives fighting "oppression" (a woke radlib term, Marxists are proud to oppress bourgeois vampires lol) and not amoral cheerleaders celebrating new forms of exploitation and rape previously thought impossible


When “defund police” became a national cry in 2020, police organizations mobilized to beat it back by laying every uptick in crime or high-profile violent incident at the feet of Black Lives Matter and any public official in support of the movement. This national reckoning happened to come at a crucial juncture in Oakland’s budget cycle, and the city council surprised activists by voting, in June 2020, to create a task force to Reimagine Public Safety with a goal “to reduce OPD budget by 50 percent by investing in crime prevention and community.”

One year later, then-police chief LeRonne Armstrong, the department’s 10th chief in 10 years, linked “out-of-control” crime in the city to the first actual budget cut, which had been approved by the council only days before. [emph. mine] Shortly thereafter, then-Mayor Libby Schaaf made international headlines for “reversing course,” saying “defund the police went ‘too far,’” though no cuts had yet been implemented and Schaaf had always publicly opposed them.

In October 2022, ABC News investigated claims that defunding has contributed to increasing crime numbers and found that in the vast majority of cities, police funding has increased since 2020. Oakland followed this national trend, with an 18 percent increase between 2019 and 2022.

submitted 1 year ago by Pluto@hexbear.net to c/politics@hexbear.net

Check it out.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by ThisMachineKillsFascists@hexbear.net to c/politics@hexbear.net

The US regime of terror has done nothing but wage wars and interfere with global stability and democracy.



I didn't feel like getting into it but my god.... People are really buying in to the whole Bidenomics bullshit

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by mycorrhiza@lemmy.ml to c/politics@hexbear.net

no need to write an essay or anything

some libs and baby leftists are kinda baffled by the trump banter here and don't know what's serious and what's irony

Say the line, Bernie (www.theguardian.com)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/2858438

cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/56333

r/ChapoTrapHouse was quarantined in August 2019 and finally banned on 30th June 2020 as part of a ban wave resulting from an update to reddit's content policy. Although over 2000 subs were banned in that wave r/ChapoTrapHouse was by far the most active, accounting for the majority of subscribers and users.

So, who decides Reddit's content policy? The answer seems to be the whole board, but drafting and enforcing it falls under the portfolio of Reddit's Director of Policy, Jessica Ashooh, who as you may or may not be aware, is a CIA plant.

This isn't some grand conspiracy theory or anything, it's not even particularly well hidden. A glance at the employment history listed on her linkedin page is enough to create suspicion and a few public domain FOIA internal CIA documents about her places of employment should prove it beyond reasonable doubt.

When she was appointed to her position at Reddit, Jessica Ashooh never worked at a social media company before, had never held a senior position in a private sector company, and had spent the last 7 years working public sector jobs.

Her immediate past position, from March 2015 - May 2017, was as Deputy Director Middle East Strategy Task Force at the Atlantic Council and before that from June 2011 to February 2015 she was a Senior Analyst at the Policy Planning Department of the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs

As this internal CIA document made publically available by FOIA shows, The Atlantic Council, is a CIA front.

As for how intimately involved she was with reddit's anti-evil program that got r/ChapoTrapHouse banned, well, here's a 2018 interview where she talks about it in her own words and goes through a day in the life.

Still, it made the team’s intentions clearer. Jessica Ashooh, Reddit’s head of policy, spent four years as a policy consultant in Abu Dhabi. “I know what it’s like to live under censorship,” she said. “My internal check, when I’m arguing for a restrictive policy on the site, is Do I sound like an Arab government? If so, maybe I should scale it back.” On the other hand, she said, “people hide behind the notion that there’s a bright line between ideology and action, but some ideologies are inherently more violent than others.”

In October, on the morning the new policy was rolled out, Ashooh sat at a long conference table with a dozen other employees. Before each of them was a laptop, a mug of coffee, and a few hours’ worth of snacks. “Welcome to the Policy Update War Room,” she said. “And, yes, I’m aware of the irony of calling it a war room when the point is to make Reddit less violent, but it’s too late to change the name.” The job of policing Reddit’s most pernicious content falls primarily to three groups of employees—the community team, the trust-and-safety team, and the anti-evil team—which are sometimes described, respectively, as good cop, bad cop, and RoboCop. Community stays in touch with a cross-section of redditors, asking them for feedback and encouraging them to be on their best behavior. When this fails and redditors break the rules, trust and safety punishes them. Anti-evil, a team of back-end engineers, makes software that flags dodgy-looking content and sends that content to humans, who decide what to do about it.

Ashooh went over the plan for the day. All at once, they would replace the old policy with the new policy, post an announcement explaining the new policy, warn a batch of subreddits that they were probably in violation of the new policy, and ban another batch of subreddits that were flagrantly, irredeemably in violation. I glanced at a spreadsheet with a list of the hundred and nine subreddits that were about to be banned (r/KKK, r/KillAllJews, r/KilltheJews, r/KilltheJoos), followed by the name of the employee who would carry out each deletion, and, if applicable, the reason for the ban (“mostly just swastikas?”). “Today we’re focussing on a lot of Nazi stuff and bestiality stuff,” Ashooh said. “Context matters, of course, and you shouldn’t get in trouble for posting a swastika if it’s a historical photo from the 1936 Olympics, or if you’re using it as a Hindu symbol. But, even so, there’s a lot that’s clear-cut.” I asked whether the same logic—that the Nazi flag was an inherently violent symbol—would apply to the Confederate flag, or the Soviet flag, or the flag under which King Richard fought the Crusades. “We can have those conversations in the future,” Ashooh said. “But we have to start somewhere.”

At 10 a.m., the trust-and-safety team posted the announcement and began the purge. “Thank you for letting me do DylannRoofInnocent,” one employee said. “That was one of the ones I really wanted.”

“What is ReallyWackyTicTacs?” another employee asked, looking down the list.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know,” Ashooh said. “That was the most unpleasant shit I’ve ever seen, and I’ve spent a lot of time looking into Syrian war crimes.”

Some of the comments on the announcement were cynical. “They don’t actually want to change anything,” one redditor wrote, arguing that the bans were meant to appease advertisers. “It was, in fact, never about free speech, it was about money.” One trust-and-safety manager, a young woman wearing a leather jacket and a ship captain’s cap, was in charge of monitoring the comments and responding to the most relevant ones. “Everyone seems to be taking it pretty well so far,” she said. “There’s one guy, freespeechwarrior, who seems very pissed, but I guess that makes sense, given his username.” “Are we gonna have to scrape the Daddy decal off the minivan?”

“People are making lists of all the Nazi subs getting banned, but nobody has noticed that we’re banning bestiality ones at the same time,” Ashooh said.

“No one wants to admit it,” an employee said. “ ‘Guys, I was just browsing r/HorseCock and I couldn’t help but notice . . .’ ”

The woman in the captain’s cap said, “O.K., someone just asked, ‘How will the exact phrase “kill yourself” be handled?’ ”

“It all depends on context,” Ashooh said. “They’re going to get tired of hearing that, but it’s true.”

“Uh-oh, looks like we missed a bestiality sub,” the woman in the captain’s cap said. >“Apparently, SexWithDogs was on our list, but DogSex was not.”

“Did you go to DogSex?” Ashooh said.


“And what’s on it?”

“I mean . . .”

“Are there people having sex with dogs?”

“Oh, yes, very much.”

“Yeah, ban it.”

“I’m going to get more cheese sticks,” the woman in the captain’s cap said, standing up. “How many cheese sticks is too many in one day? At what point am I encouraging or glorifying violence against my own body?”

“It all depends on context,” Ashooh said.

So there you have it, Ashooh is almost certainly a CIA plant and as Director of Policy was almost certainly the one who both wrote the policy that got r/ChapoTrapHouse banned and made the final decision to bring down the hammer.

r/ChapoTrapHouse got banned by the CIA.

So congratulations to all of you beautiful people.

We posted hard and effectively enough that the feds engaged in a multi-year op to shut us down. Never let it be said that posting isn't praxis, or that communist ideas are inherently unpopular or unpalatable to the people living in the imperial core.

r/ChapoTrapHouse dies with the highest honours a leftist publication in the West can receive, it got so effective the glowy bois had to take action to shut it down. And we lived on to start it again in a way that can't be shut down so easily.

Being a subreddit gave r/ChapoTrapHouse the unique ability to reach reddit's userbase but the brand recognition's still there, and there's nothing stopping us reposting watermarked chapo.chat content to subs which aren't banned.

So stay safe, semper post, keep spreading the word about chapo.chat and remember that our primary purpose is as part of a pipeline. Help make Chapo.chat a fun and welcoming place so that the libs who stumble here bother to stay and be educated by osmosis.

With effort and a little luck we can rebuild this website into the subreddit the feds felt the need to shut down having removed their ability to do so.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by privatized_sun@hexbear.net to c/politics@hexbear.net

Adding this to my list of bourgeois "harm reduction" which woke anarcho-neoliberals cheer: "we need free markets for drugs, sex work is work, blood work is work, Biden is a racist who is cruelly removing the agency of Mexicans, we need to smash the Stalinist authoritarian state for ruining our free markets for ~~workers~~ consumers!"

McLaughlin was in Michigan’s rust belt, speculating on the absence of the American auto industry and the seeming abundance of plasma centers that had sprung up in its place.

capitalism going mask off as satanic vampire ideology

no surprise that the United States is the largest exporter of human plasma, supplying two-thirds of the world’s supply. In fact, according to Blood Money, blood products accounted for nearly 3 percent of US global exports overall in 2021.

Horror Vanguard podcast is redpilled (blood pilled) about finance imperialism

Questions like, “If my insurance is paying $12,000 per dosage for this medicine, how much are the people supplying plasma getting?” Payment for plasma donation, given on prepaid debit cards, varies from clinic to clinic but averages out to around $40 per visit.

One donor tells McLaughlin that about 5 percent of his earnings go toward the special diet regular plasma donation requires, and notes that if clinics provided light snacks, a little would go a long way. At least at a blood drive, you get free cookies.

"special diet" BLOOD COW, BLOOD COW

In June 2021, US Customs and Border Protection issued a statement saying that, effective immediately, donating plasma was considered “labor for hire,” meaning that the thousands of Mexican plasma donors who crossed into the United States temporarily on a visitor visa would now need a work visa. (The news that plasma donation was considered labor did not extend to the hundreds of other plasma centers around the country.)

The following year, the two largest plasma corporations — Spain-based Grifols and Australia-based CSL — teamed up to get the faucet spurting again, challenging the work visa requirement with a lawsuit....Out of more than one thousand US clinics, the fifty-two along the border provided up to 10 percent of the total US plasma supply...That’s right — international companies sued in 2021 for their right to continue to collect the blood plasma of Mexican nationals at the border, who were contributing an outsize amount of plasma to the US national pool. This is just one of the stories from Blood Money that, in other contexts, might sound like an unhinged conspiracy theory. (I won’t get into the internationally exported, HIV-positive plasma harvested from Arkansas prisoners that the Clinton administration doesn’t want you to know about.)

"unhinged conspiracy theory" umm ACTUALLY there's no such thing as anarcho-neoliberalism, my Bookchin zine about free markets for individual consumers to sell blood is totally different than the writings of the Federalist Society settler ghoul Liz Warren! When I say "smash the Stalinist state" it's because I'm LITERALLY A COMMUNIST.

Based on those numbers alone, it’s clear that the work visa requirement hurt these companies’ bottom lines. But the argument that helped sway a federal district judge to help overturn the decision? The human, altruistic side of plasma giving. Per Pro Publica, the judge said that “her decision to grant a preliminary injunction reflected the crucial need for blood plasma in manufacturing lifesaving medications.”

donors should be compensated fairly — not just for their time, but for providing a priceless commodity mined from their bodies (the long-term effects of which deserve more research).

  1. we don't need more research to know blood is necessary for human health wtf are you stupid??

  2. these woke Jacobin radlibs literally share the same unholy neoliberalism of their Bookchin PMC class allies at Reason.com:

"It is far more akin to the sale of a commodity. If a Mexican on a B1/B2 visa sells a used car or a basket of fruit while in the United States, that surely doesn't qualify as "labor for hire." The same reasoning applies to selling blood plasma. The fact that the latter comes from the body doesn't strike me as a decisive difference. After all, selling a car or a fruit basket also involves using your body, in most cases (even if only to hand over the item sold to the buyer). https://reason.com/volokh/2021/06/25/biden-administration-imposes-cruel-border-restriction-barring-mexicans-from-crossing-to-the-us-to-sell-blood-plasma/

With a standard, just wage, donors wouldn’t have to gamify their trips to the clinic or sign up for promos and coupons like they’re going to a car wash.

"we need to move to Mastodon so we aren't controlled by the algorithm" Liz Warren voters only have one type of politics, enshrining free markets for "consumer protection", that's it.

If plasma donation was considered work today, McLaughlin notes, its union membership would number in the millions

"Blood work is work!" :dsa:

A union could set a fair minimum payment for plasma and establish sustainable donation periods rather than rushing people in every two weeks, allowing people’s bodies time to recover from losing essential protein


But is it more uncomfortable than witnessing GoFundMes for insulin, fourteen-year-olds working factory night shifts, public schools in debt to private banks, and other current economic realities?

"I'm not a demonic monster because other monsters exist" STAY WOKE ABOUT LEFT-WING NEOLIBERALS warren-snake-green

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