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Yay, now I don't have to convert scrolls into stones and then energize them, I can just energize them! Also I find the blood vial counterproductive, as healing potions already heal you almost your full hp. And I don't know about the salt cube, I normally have tons of food, don't even know if it'll be good for On Diet for two reasons: first it turns of natural regeneration, which on the endgame doesn't matter that much (because hunger damage is bigger than what you'd get for natural regeneration on higher levels) but in the early game does. Gotta calculate whether the tradeoff is good or not, but I'll be doing that later. The second thing I think the trinket will not be used usually on On Diet is because, I think, os because people usually run On Diet while using other challenges too, commonly trying to do 6 challenge runs. And then, people usually have Into Darkness too, and the Eye of Newt is really good for Into Darkness. Not saying that the gas chamber will be a bad trinket, but I won't use it... Just another thing to keep track off and that might end my run too? Don't feel like it... The loot one (forgot its name) I think is really good. How much loot would enemies drop with a +21 ring of fortune and another +1 RoF (unidentified) , lucky sword (unidentified) and random unidentified armor? Only one way to find out! (Maybe I don't upgrade the ring to +21, as that'll be pretty rare.. and that doesn't actually trigger more loot drops)
Oh, neat. Same with potions. However, I think I'll still be turning scrolls into stones. Some stones are more useful than 6 energy, and you always have the choice of getting the 6 energy later.
Where does it say it turns off normal regeneration?