Develop into your own beautiful human, first. A lot of dudes are mid at best; myself included

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[-] Soup@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago

Why is this what you’re worried about? This person is talking to a specific group, and to a soecific group that is often told that their only value is in being attractive men. While us dudes would also benefit from this advice we often find our hobbies and our romantic lives more separated than women.

Wording it like that is coming off as such a “why aren’t we talking about me though?!”

[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago

I don't think that assumption holds. Many activities like hyper masculine sports or body building are culturally tied to impressing women. Dudes getting in shape or "winning" to impress some girl is a common troupe. By the same token, many "feminine hobbies" like makeup and fashion are often about feeling confident about oneself and less about impressing dudes.

Both masculine and feminine hobbies get grouped in with impressing the opposite gender, but both are usually not about that for many of the people involved. A guy dressing fem isn't necessarily trying to seduce men and a girl who makes gains and plays football isn't necessarily a lesbian.

Hobbies and romantic lives aren't more or less tied depending on gender, it's just that women get presumed to only exist for men. The other reasons men do manly things are more easily recognized. Femininity gets assumed to exist just for men, but masculinity doesn't get assumed to exist just for women.

this post was submitted on 21 Sep 2024
501 points (93.0% liked)

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