Getting the group together in a zombie apocalypse
A place where Game Masters, Dungeon Masters, Storytellers, Narrators, Referees (and etc) can gather and ask questions. Uncertain of where to take the story? Want to spice up your big baddie? Encounters? That player? Ask away!
And if you have questions about becoming a Game Master you are most welcome with those as well!
Maybe some sort of “military broadcast” or other hints about a military base of some sort? They should know that others may try and clean it out before they get there which introduces a ticking clock element. Maybe the message includes a warning that if the security system doesn’t get disabled the base will self destruct in X many hours?
Then when they show up, they encounter enemies (zombie mob/other survivors) and have to work together to defeat them. When they succeed, they get the things they need (food, weapons, a defendable base)