Steam games will now need to fully disclose kernel-level anti-cheat on store pages
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
Cool, can you make a toggle to just opt out of even seeing them on my store page? Also extend this feature to companies like EA and the likes...
You can sort of block publishers/devs, if they have their own "steam page." If you click on the publisher/dev in the listings underneath review scores, if it takes you to an actual dedicated page you can click the gear icon on the right and click "ignore this creator."
This does not completely block them but it has them show up in less places (or are greyed out in some places.) Basically they can pop kinda randomly up in sales when steam forgets to add that, or greyed out in the tabs section on the front page (new and trending, top sellers, popular upcoming tabs)
It's not the cure-all "erase EA" button I'm sure we'd all prefer, but it does help a little.