Not Healthy
Post whatever you want as long as it doesn't break any rules:
Be civil. No trolling, flamebaiting, etc.
No religion, no politics, and try to avoid posting anything too controversial.
Have fun!
And here you had the option to post the original that wasn't jpegd to hell, along with the link to the creator's site.
No, I didn't. As a new account I'm not allowed to upload images yet. That's why I crossposted the one I had available.
Oh, so that means you're also not allowed to link to existing images already hosted? Harsh.
How is that harsh? Just because I didn't think of that doesn't show malicious intent.
Why is this such a contentious point for you. It seems to bother you more than it should.
I was saying it's a harsh rule for new users. Being unable to even post links to already hosted images but able to post other things would be ridiculous.
I made no implication to malicious intent.
Stop feeding trolls and block 'm. Did you notice the username?