I would go watch this
A community dedicated to the lowest quality facts.
While the community is named after the mastodon account Low Quality Facts it is not required to post related to that account. As long as the post is low enough quality, it belongs in this community.
A low quality fact could be a few things:
"Louis Armstrong stored jelly beans in his trumpet, which he would discreetly eat during his performances."
"If you took a persons digestive system and stretched it out end to end, it would hurt a lot."
"Whales are notoriously bad trumpet players."
Posts can be in whatever form best displays the low quality fact.
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How hard does she punch?
I'd like to think hard enough that it's a different sound guy every show
I take back my thoughts about volunteering.
i couldn't even name or recognize one of her songs. but i'd do it, and put it on my résumé, too.
I bet you know some of her songs even if you can't identify them as hers. She's that inescapable.
I know that one about play play play. Someone karaoked it last Halloween at a friend's party.
And the haters hate hate hate?
And she's just gonna shake shake shake ?
If so you can thank Max Martin. You may not know his name but you've without a doubt you've heard a lot of his work.
I’m sure somebody with this kink thinks it’s their time to shine
Depends how much she pays him and how much he simps her. Lots of people would pay to get punched anywhere by Taylor Swift.
Enough to hit the sound out of him