I would go watch this
A community dedicated to the lowest quality facts.
While the community is named after the mastodon account Low Quality Facts it is not required to post related to that account. As long as the post is low enough quality, it belongs in this community.
A low quality fact could be a few things:
"Louis Armstrong stored jelly beans in his trumpet, which he would discreetly eat during his performances."
"If you took a persons digestive system and stretched it out end to end, it would hurt a lot."
"Whales are notoriously bad trumpet players."
Posts can be in whatever form best displays the low quality fact.
1: Be civil. No racism or any of that non-sense
2: Only low quality facts!
Having worked in entertainment, i gotta say a lot of the sound guys I've worked with low-key deserve a good sternum punch. Not all of them, but there's enough douchebags to make this a happy fantasy.
Obligatory industry joke: why does thunder come after lightning?
Because even God has to wait for the sound guy.