What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? December 10
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How are you liking The Well of Ascension on reread?
I finished Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver. Overall a solid book with some good commentary on modern poverty, foster care, and the opioid crisis. The first half stuck too close to the plot points of David Copperfield, but thankfully it stood more on its own in the second half. The ending felt a bit rushed.
Now I've started Hex Education by Maureen Kilmer. If it wasn't such a short read, I would not be finishing this book. Almost every character is unlikeable. I was hoping for a campy witchy book where I want to hang out with the characters, but instead I got a suburban mom who married rich and can't stop humblebragging about it.
I am really enjoying it. I am about 2/3rd done, and as I mentioned last week, I had forgotten most of the stuff. So, really enjoying everything going on. And while I remember the ending of the book, I don't recall how exactly they get there.
I haven't even read David Copperfield, how is it?
lol at suburban mom's humblebragging. Good luck!
David Copperfield is ok. I really liked the writing style and found the characters interesting. It dragged on for too long though and the main character didn't have much agency throughout the story which can be frustrating.
I guess I never going to read that then. ๐