Somebody please explain AMD's current CPU lineup.
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dont buy AMD laptops. their laptop CPU naming scheme was changed to ensure you get the worst processor possible. not worth.
How is Intel better? With the last letter (H or U) They change the performace between CPUs extremely.
Basically from for example 6 to 2 performance cores. Yes the naming schemes are getting worse but that is true for every company.
What are you talking about? I replied above with a link that clearly describes their naming convention. It's painfully simply once you understand it.
I think OC refers to the change in naming scheme on the mobile chips. They changed it so that for example in 7640U, the 7 refers not to the architecture generation it instead refers to the launch year and the 4 is the actual indicator on the architecture generation.
A graphic explaining this can be found here: https://www.xda-developers.com/amd-processors-explained/
This does differ from the desktop naming scheme and it could be argued that this is to mislead customers.
Ahhh, my bad. I misread it. I'll check out the new stuff.