Propaganda of the Deed
Welcome to Progressive Politics! A place for news updates and political discussion from a left perspective. Conservatives and centrists are welcome just try and keep it civil :)
(Sidebar still a work in progress post recommendations if you have them such as reading lists)
The lawmakers that created the system? The voters that demanded it?
Keep going, you're almost there...
...and the individual business owners/leaders that wake up every day and voluntarily choose to knowingly, indirectly murder fellow humans in pursuit of endless profit on the loop hole a broken system allows them.
You gotta go back to Mesopotamia for the invention of health insurance. This one is 100% the fault of "free markets".
So... the system at large is at fault?
No, it's the people who maintain it, like the CEO's and majority shareholders. Stop them, and you stop the system. Might come back though, that's the problem with humans, we're really good at fucking each other over.