Ban Scottish households from letting cats outside without a lead, report urges
Note: Our temporary logo is from The Wildlife Trusts. We are not officially associated with them.
Our spring banner is a shot of Walberswick marshes, Suffolk by GreyShuck.
About 2 years ago my cat went outside on a Thursday and didn't come back until Monday morning. Shortly after that he went out and came back limping, yowling his head off and unable to put weight on one of his front legs.
After a weekend racked with worry frantically searching my neighbourhood was followed by a 4 hour round trip to the closest "out of hours" vet and almost £1000 I decided the risk of letting him outside was too great, so I've kept him inside ever since. Pretty sure he'd like to go outside but it hasn't been that bad. I just try to play with him as much as possible to keep him entertained. I did hang bird feeders by the window for him to watch but didn't get any customers.