Ban Scottish households from letting cats outside without a lead, report urges
Note: Our temporary logo is from The Wildlife Trusts. We are not officially associated with them.
Our spring banner is a shot of Walberswick marshes, Suffolk by GreyShuck.
I don't think you've owned a cat then. I had inside cats only allowed in the yard with my supervision and they'd respect the boundaries I set however if I didn't take them outside because of weather, laziness or whatever they'd get very upset and act out, they will never forget that they were allowed outside. They will become destructive and angry with you
Do you really think that's going to last that long? I feel like there would be a transitional phase where the cat isn't jazzed about it but they'd eventually realize
I feel like most people who let their cats outside wouldn't keep a new cat inside as well to go back to what the original commenter said.