Heres my tier list of open source android apps, I have only included ones i feel I have used enouph to understand.
Please tell me any of your favorite open source apps as I would love to hear.
S tier- OpenCalc, firefox, thunder, organic maps, Aegis authenticator, wikipedia, F-Droid, Clock.
A tier: open camera, fossify suite, k-9, termux, simplenote, Acode, pie launcher, translate you, lavendar photos, Heliboard,
B tier: gallery (by iacoblonut), peer tube, simple keyboard, floris board (might be higher if it used haptic feedback interface by default), unexpected keyboard (would be S tier if shift did not carry on selecting text once released).
C tier: FreeDcam, libre camera, geo notes, free paint.
Checkout my post of my favourite Floss android games here
Edit: after using the apps some more I have:
• moved "translate you" from S to A tier due to no offline translation
• added lavendar photos to A tier (my new gallary of choice)
• added Clock to S tier (a much better Foss clock then fossify clock)
• added Heliboard to A tier due to recomendations below (my new main keyboard)
And added a link to my post about my favourite floss android games.
Thanks, I'm trying out NewPipe right now but haven't quit got the hang of it, though Im not giving up yet, I just don't feel I can rank it yet.
Also i agree those Fossify apps are great that's why I included the Fossify suite in A tier. I realise now that maybe they arent all A tier so Here's my ranking of Fossify apps that fits in with the prior ranking:
Low S tier: Contacts, phone, SMS messenger
A tier: Gallary, file manager, Calendar, Clock, calculator
B tier: paint, voice recorder, keyboard, camera, launcher
Haven't used enough to rank: notes - no sync and no markdown :( Music player - just haven't used it much
Try PipePipe, a better fork of NewPipe