this post was submitted on 12 Mar 2025
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The unofficial non-partisan Lemmy movement to bring proportional representation to all levels of government in Canada.

🗳️Voters deserve more choice and accountability from all politicians.

Le mouvement non officiel et non partisan de Lemmy visant à introduire la représentation proportionnelle à tous les niveaux de gouvernement au Canada.

🗳️Les électeurs méritent davantage de choix et de responsabilité de la part de tous les politiciens.

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We're looking for more moderators, especially those who are of French and indigenous identities.

Nous recherchons davantage de modérateurs, notamment ceux qui sont d'identité française et autochtone.

founded 9 months ago

Full text agreement here.

Section 3 – Policy Initiatives & 2025 Deliverables

11. Democratic and Electoral Reform

The Parties will work together to create a special legislative all-party committee to evaluate and recommend policy and legislation measures to be pursued beginning in 2026 to increase democratic engagement & voter participation, address increasing political polarization, and improve the representativeness of government. The committee will review and consider preferred methods of proportional representation as part of its deliberations. The Government will work with the BCGC to establish the detailed terms of reference for this review, which are subject to the approval of both parties. The terms of reference will include the ability to receive expert and public input, provide for completion of the Special Committee’s work in Summer 2025, and public release of the Committee’s report within 45 days of completion. The committee will also review the administration of the 43rd provincial general election, including consideration of the Chief Electoral Officer’s report on the 43rd provincial general election, and make recommendations for future elections.

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[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

So, are you running away from the two principles that you laid out above

I suppose so...? At the end of the day, PR can be demonstrated to be mathematically superior to FPTP, and you have not provided arguments that also couldn't be made against any ordinary democracy.

I'm not scared to say that a direct democracy is more democratic than PR. But this is not new information, nor is it in contention. What is in contention is whether PR is democratically superior to FPTP.

To say "anything but full PR" necessarily implies that you believe PR is worse than FPTP. Again, you have yet to demonstrate this claim. I'm waiting for you to get back on topic.

[–] -2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

So, are you running away from the two principles that you laid out above

I suppose so…?

Okay, then this:

What is in contention is whether PR is democratically superior to FPTP.

Doesn't really make sense. You can't just say "when we're talking about PR vs FPTP, what matters is whether PR is more democratic" but then when Direct Democracy vs PR is the question, all of a sudden it doesn't matter which is more democratic.

So again, what are the principles by which you are judging PR to be a good or bad choice? If it is purely, which is the most democratic system, then direct democracy blows PR out of the water...

If you want an answer to the question "which is better, PR or FPTP" you have to have criteria to use as judgement. And again, if that criteria is only "which is more democratic" then why aren't you advocating direct democracy?

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Oh boy…

what are the principles by which you are judging PR to be a good or bad choice? If it is purely, which is the most democratic system, then direct democracy blows PR out of the water…

You want me to say that I am using more factors to judge an electoral system than measures of democracy alone? Yes, that's true, but I've literally never pretended it was anything otherwise. Because I live in reality, where I know a direct democracy is impractical. But everyone knows that, and it adds no value to the conversation, because the true contention is of FPTP vs PR.

And then you're going to ask me how I know a direct democracy is impractical… And then I'll say, how does this demonstrate which of FPTP or PR is better…

if that criteria is only “which is more democratic” then why aren’t you advocating direct democracy?

Because it's not the only criteria. You thought you had me trapped in a corner, didn't you?

The feasibility of the electoral system was always a presupposition.

You know what's even better than a direct democracy? If we could clone everyone's "spirit", and have the spirit legislate on behalf of the person, while the person just lives their life (similar to Severance!). But that's entirely impossible, so it's not for consideration in the first place.

So overall, you're quite the skilled ~~debater~~ conversationalist. But you play dirty to get it to appear like you can win arguments.

I'm going to re-insert a link to my prior comment, that is still unanswered.

At the end of this whole conversation, you still haven't gotten to demonstrating why FPTP is better than PR. Instead, you've wasted mine and everyone else's time by going on wild tangents and playing games.

It's conversations like this that demonstrate to me just how out of touch the no-PR side is. Thanks to you, I now have almost sort of a renewed vigour to push for full PR.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

You want me to say that I am using more factors to judge an electoral system than measures of democracy alone? Yes, that’s true, but I’ve literally never pretended it was anything otherwise.

That's simply untrue! I'm not sure if you're forgetful or honestly don't remember what you write but here are a handful of examples in our brief exchange:

Here's me pointing out some of the toxic consequences and you just handwaving it because hey, people got what they voted for.

Take Germany for example. Just like here, a small minority of people would vote for really hateful parties that are toxic and should be avoided How is that a “bad outcome” when it’s literally what people voted for. Electoral systems are not supposed to decide the ideological makeup of government.

Or, here you are deciding you don't actually want to talk about the successes of failures of PR and all that matters is how good it is at measuring democracy:

I’m not about to have a full discussion about PR causing success or not. I’m sure there are already articles written on it. However, if we live in a democracy, we are deserving of and entitled to representation in government, and only proportional representation can get us there. A democracy necessarily requires everyone having a seat at the table, and in a representative democracy, vote percentage must equal seat percentage.

Heck, here you are explicitly saying all that matters in this conversation is how democratic PR is:

In a democracy, we are entitled to and deserving of representation in government. I am not trying to argue whether democracy (and by proxy PR) itself is successful (or unsuccesful), because that is an entirely different discussion.

Heck, this nonsense:

PR can be demonstrated to be mathematically superior to winner-take-all such as FPTP. So this is the baseline.

Is **entirely **defining superior as measuring democracy.

What's happened here is I think that as a way to deflect any actual criticism of PR you reflexively go into a "all that matters is how democratic the outcome is, I don't care about any other consequences." But, I think you're starting to see that's not a particularly cogent dodge because there are systems that would produce a more democratic outcome, so now you're trying to backpedal.

But, now that you concede that yes, okay, the consequences of the system matter, let's go back to the initial points about why FPTP is better.

Similarly, you’ll see in Israel where mainstream parties are held hostage by relatively small extremist parties leading to horrific outcomes that are generally not supported by the public.

Take Germany for example. Just like here, a small minority of people would vote for really hateful parties that are toxic and should be avoided

Your original response: How is that a “bad outcome” when it’s literally what people voted for. Electoral systems are not supposed to decide the ideological makeup of government.

So, here, you're totally okay with a system that puts hate groups in positions of power?

Basically, and I wish I still remembered some of the course books, but some of the interesting first year poli sci courses (I think Stanford or Harvard have some online for free. If you're interested I'll look for a one for you) are exactly about the tension between democracies and human rights. That tension is why most democracies (including ours) have Charters of Rights and Freedoms that outline things that are so important that we say no matter what people vote for, they have these protections. The point here is that yes, democracy is a good thing but it is not the only good. If you have a system that tends to produce poor outcomes (large coalition governments unable to pass significant legislation, hate groups getting chokeholds on government etc) then those outcomes can outweigh the goodness of democracy.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Anything other than demonstrating which of FPTP or PR is better than the other is irrelevant to the discussion.

Take Germany for example. Just like here, a small minority of people would vote for really hateful parties that are toxic and should be avoided

The "toxic consequence" you point out isn't unique to PR, it's an inherent characteristic of democracy. So, yes, you are making an argument against democracy.

PR can be demonstrated to be mathematically superior to winner-take-all such as FPTP. So this is the baseline.

I don't know why you consider it nonsense when it's actually true.

I think you’re starting to see that’s not a particularly cogent dodge because there are systems that would produce a more democratic outcome, so now you’re trying to backpedal.

I've already said that I'm not pretending the only factor to consider is democratic measures.

So, here, you’re totally okay with a system that puts hate groups in positions of power?

  1. This is what I mean by playing dirty. You are begging the question. You are assuming this to be the case, when it hasn't been demonstrated to be generally true for all PR systems. What does my opinion on whether a system puts hate groups into power (not that PR has been demonstrated to do so), have anything to do with FPTP being better than PR? PR simply gives people power, as they are entitled to in a democracy.
  2. The onus isn't on me to demonstrate why either of PR or FPTP is better. The baseline is what is mathematically demonstrated to be true: that PR produces governments that maximize representation for its people. It doesn't make any claims about anything else you want to bring in like human rights.
  3. You haven't established this to be unique to PR, this is a characteristic inherent to democracy. So yes, this is an argument against democracy itself. If you can't understand that, I can't help you.
  4. You haven't demonstrated that FPTP in any way shape or form prevents this or does anything to impact this. Though the case can easily be made that an unpopular (read: hateful, unethical, etc) candidate can be elected under FPTP.
  5. I've said this before, but electoral systems aren't supposed to decide the ideological makeup of legislature. They are supposed to ensure effective representation in government. And by effective, it doesn't mean one way or another effective government as you have distorted my message in the past ("I think you are missing the effective part").

those outcomes can outweigh the goodness of democracy

You mean how in practically every single FPTP election, unpopular polices are enacted without the consent of the majority? This is what I mean when I am saying that PR mathematically produces more democratic outcomes, in addition to other mathematical criteria.

You are taking the extremes of democracy, which do happen I don't deny occurring, and exploding them into: they will surely happen, so we must keep a system that denies the vast swaths of the population their representation in government.

Again, the policies enacted under PR systems will always be supported by the population. And it's not our call to decide what is hateful and not, nor can any electoral system do that (not even FPTP).

You need to disentangle morality from electoral systems, when there is none. The unfortunate truth of democracy is that people will have all sorts of opinions, including ones considered hateful, but that doesn't mean they should be robbed of their right to representation in government.

You mentioned the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. What good is the right to vote, if your votes don't contribute to the outcome of an election? Suppose there is a "perfectly" ethical voter, but by being "perfect", that puts you technically on the extreme end. So therefore your vote should not count? And FPTP doesn't even set out to exclude any particular ideology for that matter.

You mentioned, what good is it, if all the parties in a PR legislature are fractured and policy takes ages to get through. To which I say, but at the very least, the policy is supported by the majority, and everyone had their say via their representative. Nobody's democratic rights were infringed upon (yes, the right to vote necessarily implies that the vote must count), but this is how democracy works. It's slow, it's fragmented, but there will never exist a policy enacted that isn't supported by the majority. You want "effective" government, but at the necessary cost of it's citizens not consenting to it.

Now I'm not going into a discussion about the tyranny of the majority, as I predict you'll bring up. This is because I think the tyranny of the minority is worse, and we have a constitution (read: the Charter), that limits what a legislature can do.

After this entire conversation, I really think you are just against democracy itself. Because PR is more democratic than FPTP, you haven't disputed this whatsoever, and this can be demonstrated mathematically. Everything else you've brought up such as "a small minority of people would vote for really hateful parties", that's a problem that you'll find in any proper democracy. FPTP does nothing whatsoever to prevent or encourage this, just like any other electoral system.

For most of the conversation, you've made the point that PR gives hateful groups power (which is inaccurate, as it gives all groups power). So therefore we should limit extremists, but FPTP does nothing to change that. FPTP limits effective representation in government, and that is true of every single election. You know who loves the idea of pushing through unpopular policies: authoritarians. Why deal with the population and winning over people with ideas, when you can just deny them their right to representation in government?

So that you'll be willing to throw democracy to the fire, just to prevent other people, and many many other citizens, from receiving their rights to representation. If that's not anti democratic, I don't know what is.

Fundamentally, your critiques of PR are not unique to PR, but rather democracy itself. You have not established a compelling case that we should deny people their democratic rights, in order to "limit extremism". I think it is an extreme idea itself to deny someone their rights, perhaps I should develop a system that denies rights to anti-democratic individuals like yourself?

Taking a page from your playbook: so you're totally okay with a system that denies constitutional rights to the vast majority of the population? At least my question is grounded in reality, and is true of every FPTP electoral system.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Buddy, keep your positions straight!


The onus isn’t on me to demonstrate why either of PR or FPTP is better. The baseline is what is mathematically demonstrated to be true: that PR produces governments that maximize representation for its people. It doesn’t make any claims about anything else you want to bring in like human rights.

Is fundamentally incompatible with this:

You want me to say that I am using more factors to judge an electoral system than measures of democracy alone? Yes, that’s true, but I’ve literally never pretended it was anything otherwise.

Unless, what human rights shouldn't count as a factor in what a good electoral system is? That's wild and insane. If your side requires you to say "hey, we're not judging about the merits of human rights here" then it's not a particularly good side.

And saying stuff like this:

The “toxic consequence” you point out isn’t unique to PR, it’s an inherent characteristic of democracy. You haven’t established this to be unique to PR, this is a characteristic inherent to democracy.

Just lets us know you haven't thought this through. Giving small extremist groups power is a consequence of PR that is largely mitigated in FPTP. It's why the AFD doesn't have a politcally viable analog here. It's literally how the systems work. Just a quick recap: in PR basically any group that gets over a certain threshold gets that many seats, which makes extremist minority parties much more viable. But in a FPTP system, barring incredible regional variation, that's almost impossible. This is one of the page 1 textbook arguments against PR. Not understanding it or pretending not to doesn't endear anyone to your cause.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Unless, what human rights shouldn’t count as a factor in what a good electoral system is? That’s wild and insane

You're right, it is wild and insane. But not for the reasons you're thinking, but rather for the reasons that electoral systems don't have morality. In the same way 2+2=4 doesn't mean anything other than that. Blame the culture, not the electoral system.

Giving small extremist groups power is a consequence of PR that is largely mitigated in FPTP

Yes, why give small extremist groups power, when you can give large minority extremist groups power. FPTP doesn't even set out to mitigate small extremist groups, and it can easily be gamed. And again you don't have a response to the following: at least in PR every single policy enacted has majority support, unlike in FPTP where the majority is trampled over.

Again, I repeat: taking a page from your playbook: so you’re totally okay with a system that denies constitutional rights to the vast majority of the population? And you know you can't answer that, because a system that denies representation is anti-democratic.

Bottom line is this, if we live in a democracy, we are entitled to and deserving of representation in government. Yes, there exist bad people, but that doesn't mean they should lose their constitutional rights, otherwise what's the point of rights in the first place? And who is the decider of who is good and bad, in no way shape or form does FPTP address that.

You are trying to take a nuke to the bad guys. And are minimizing all the actual harm being caused. In the process, you hurt everyone else as collateral, throw democracy and people's constitutional rights to the fire. This is not acceptable by any reasonable person (yes, you aren't reasonable).

All PR does, is restore the system that should actually already be there. A proportional representation is a fundamental aspect of democracy itself, and to say otherwise is inherently anti-democratic.

In every single FPTP election, you infringe on people's right to representation in government. These hate groups already exist, and electoral systems do nothing to change that, as you so ardently attest to otherwise.

If you want to fight hate groups, don't deny people their constitutional rights to representation to do so. That's an insane loss, that you have no damn right to be taking away in the first place.

FPTP literally does nothing to prevent extremists. The most problematic extremist is a person who doesn't recognize reality -- that in a democracy, yes you'll get all kinds of people, but that's how it works. Your points brought up for efficiency don't always apply to every FPTP governed country, look at how much waste fraud and abuse there is down south, and to think that our governments are efficient?

You still haven't answered several fundamental points:

  1. That FPTP is less democratic than PR.
  2. The benefits of FPTP "preventing" extremists, outweigh the costs of people losing their right to representation in government, as they are entitled to in a democracy.
  3. If FPTP truly does prevent extremists, in the first place (when a candidate can technically get any % of the vote and be elected). You just assumed this without demonstrating any evidence of this.
  4. If PR enables extremists, beyond what a direct democracy would have. Otherwise, PR performs no worse than any ordinary democracy.
  5. Why a minority of the population should be able to govern on behalf of all.
  6. Why a minority of the population, isn't already the "hate groups" that you are so desperately trying to avoid under PR.
  7. Why a person who believes that people shouldn't have representation in a democracy, isn't themselves an extremist, and already having a stranglehold on our supposed democracy. When 62% of Ontarians support proportional representation, and yet we still don't have it, how is the current government "effective" as you say under FPTP systems? And yet you still insist on FPTP? No you are anti-democratic.
  8. If FPTP is truly so amazing, and PR so terrible, why there isn't a person in a PR country advocating for FPTP as hard as I am advocating for PR?
  9. Why do you presume that it is impossible/infeasible to limit extremism under PR?

I also really want an update on this one:

The ability of small parties to hold a majority hostage...This caaaaaaaaan happen in a fptp system but is much less likely.

We already have a small minority holding the majority hostage. And this isn't the exception, virtually all elections under FPTP, a minority strangles the majority.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Basically, the answer to all your points is very simple, more representation is a good thing but it is not the only good thing. The results the system generates are important as well.

Every point you've made is basically "hey, this is more democratic!" Which, cool but that's not a point anyone is arguing.

What I am saying is that the outcomes PR creates can be terrible.

Yes, why give small extremist groups power, when you can give large minority extremist groups power.

Like, this is utterly silly. Which large extremist group are you thinking of in Canada that took power? Because as much as you might dislike the parties, it is pretty childishly ignorant to call any of the big 4 parties extremist compared to some of the smaller parties that form under PR.

so you’re totally okay with a system that denies constitutional rights to the vast majority of the population?

Yawn. No on is being denied a constitutional right.

These hate groups already exist, and electoral systems do nothing to change that

Oh, which hate group has a legitimate chance of being in government in Canada?

Let's look at your "fundamental points."

1, 2, are the same "hey, this is more democratic!"

3, 4) If you want to be taken seriously, maybe don't try to argue the very basics? It would take an incredibly strange district to elect an MP. Because you have to win the most votes in a riding, extremist groups have a much harder time. Come on, this is poli sci 101.

  1. same as 1, 2.

  2. I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

  3. Yes, everyone who disagrees with PR is an extremist? Come on kid.

  4. You being ignorant doesn't change reality? Japan moved from STV to a more FPTP system, there is a lively debate in Italy about what the best system is having moved from full PR to MMP in the 90s. New Zealand went from FPTP to MMP and then had a referendum where more than 40% wanted to return to FPTP.

  5. Because that's literally how the system works?

and this:

e already have a small minority holding the majority hostage. And this isn’t the exception, virtually all elections under FPTP, a minority strangles the majority.

Is again, the same as 1, 2 and 5.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Every point you’ve made is basically “hey, this is more democratic!” Which, cool but that’s not a point anyone is arguing.

More democracy is literally the whole point of the proportional representation movement?

What I am saying is that the outcomes PR creates can be terrible.

Ok, but no more terrible than any other democracy. Here we are again, arguing against democracy. And FPTP can also create terrible outcomes, but at least people can have the agency to self govern under PR.

Like, this is utterly silly. Which large extremist group are you thinking of in Canada that took power? Because as much as you might dislike the parties, it is pretty childishly ignorant to call any of the big 4 parties extremist compared to some of the smaller parties that form under PR.

I'm talking about the group elected with minority support that regularly passes unpopular policies. Just because they are "big" parties, doesn't mean they aren't extreme. Look at the Ontario PCs using the not withstanding clause, or other constitutional violations. That is the minority strangling the majority.

And I'm referring to people like yourself who believe people are undeserving of representation in a democracy - you are an extremist.

Yawn. No on is being denied a constitutional right.

I think this is the biggest problem with your perspective. That you refuse to see how people are being denied their rights. I say refuse to see because it is undeniable that people are being denied democratic representation. You know that this is true, which is why you keep evading points about the democratic arguments for PR, and minimizing the actual harms being caused.

  1. Ok, that still doesn't answer the question of if FPTP is more democratic. You are purposely evading the point.
  2. I am taken seriously by those who are concerned about people's democratic rights. You aren't one of them, clearly.
  3. So an incredibly strange district is your solution to extremism? So you also agree that FPTP doesn't set out to do anything to limit extremism.
  4. Yeah, so this is exactly my point. You actually don't care about people and their ability to govern themselves. I cite the Supreme court reference question on Quebec's secession, in which the court states Canada would have no basis to deny Quebec to self govern, if that's what they decided -- on the basis of international law. You are the one who is out of touch with reality. It's not "hey this is more democratic" it's that people have the right to self-determination. It makes no sense for a minority to govern on the behalf of the majority. A point that you have not been able to refute, except literally throwing democracy to the fire.
  5. What I'm trying to say here, is that the definition of hate group depends on the perspective. Under your own logic, extremists are difficult to elect, so under a PR system, extremists will always have less than majority (by inherently being extremist), meaning they will never pass legislation.
  6. Again, evading the question, and just shrugging it off as silly, when that does nothing to refute the point. If you don't agree with the tenets of democracy, you are an extremist. A democracy necessarily implies proportionate representation.
  7. The point I'm trying to make here, is that every single nation is trying to move in the direction of proportional representation. Because, it's human nature to want self agency, and to govern themselves.
  8. Actually, it's not. Taking a page from your playbook: you being ignorant doesn’t change reality. You need to look into single-transferable vote. Heck, even instant runoff voting is better than FPTP.

So overall, you really don't care about people and their ability to govern themselves. You don't care about international law, or laws in general. What's the point of voting if your vote doesn't affect the outcome? And if your vote doesn't affect the outcome (as is the the norm of FPTP), what's the point of voting rights?

When you don't get your way, you play dirty and bully people into submission. But perhaps that's why you think people don't deserve democratic representation, you don't think that people should govern together. And for the points that are actually challenging, you just brush off or say that I'm a kid. It's intellectually lazy.

Every single argument I bring up about democracy, you just say: "muh democracy". Listen to what you are actually saying, and that's why anybody who listens to you will think you are both out of touch and extreme.

You also haven't answered how parties come into play with FPTP? You said it's easy to vote out parties with FPTP. Really? Ontario is being governed by the PCs, while 60% of people didn't vote for them. Meaning, Ontarians generally wanted to vote out the PCs.

There is an example right under your nose of the failure of FPTP, and it's not even the exception, it's the norm.

You can't say that Ontarians wanted the government they elected, because it's not true. So this comes back to the value of democracy, which you have on several occasions demonstrated you don't care about. And this isn't something that you alone can argue for because, it's against international law as the SCC adjudicated. Surely, you aren't arguing against the rule of law?

Fundamentally, we don't just disagree on PR vs non-PR, we disagree on democracy vs non-democracy.

If you want to eliminate extremists, why not just censor them, take away their free speech rights, that way it guarantees their extreme ideas won't spread. That is a sure fire way to eliminate extremism, unlike FPTP. If the governments that FPTP produces are so amazing, why can't they legislate away hate groups? Why not implement the death penalty for persistently hateful people?

Democracy matters, people, and their agency matters. You've become the very thing you've so deeply despise, an extremist who thinks it's acceptable, even preferable, that people are denied their democratic rights.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

More democracy is literally the whole point of the proportional representation movement?

Yes... No one is disputing that. What you refuse to acknowledge is that there are significant costs that outweigh the benefits of more democracy. (Again, this is presumably why you're not advocating for the most democratic system possible, direct democracy. The associated costs outweigh the benefits of more democracy.)

Ok, but no more terrible than any other democracy.

That's literally the point, PR has worse outcomes than FPTP. FPTP, you don't see parties like the AFD forming and being dangerously close to power.

Just because they are “big” parties, doesn’t mean they aren’t extreme. Look at the Ontario PCs using the not withstanding clause, or other constitutional violations.

If this is your definition of extremism, you realllllllllly need to read more.

I say refuse to see because it is undeniable that people are being denied democratic representation. You know that this is true, which is why you keep evading points about the democratic arguments for PR

This is utterly silly. Think through the logic here. If your position is that people are being denied their right under FPTP because there is a more democratic system, the same would be true of PR because direct democracy is a more democratic system than that one. Take a couple of minutes, think it through carefully.

When you don’t get your way, you play dirty and bully people into submission.

By pointing out facts? Disagreeing with you, pointing out logic and reality are not bullying or playing dirty.

Every single argument I bring up about democracy, you just say: “muh democracy”.

Because it's all the same point? Yes, democracy is a good thing but there are tradeoffs. Yet again, consider why you are not advocating for direct democracy, which is more democratic than PR. So yes, PR is more democratic, cool point. Direct Democracy is more democratic than PR but we (hopefully!) understand that the associated costs outweigh the benefits.

You also haven’t answered how parties come into play with FPTP?

What are you trying to say?

Fundamentally, we don’t just disagree on PR vs non-PR, we disagree on democracy vs non-democracy.

Wait but you're not a fan of direct democracy. Is that because you don't believe in democracy?

If you want to eliminate extremists, why not just censor them, take away their free speech rights, that way it guarantees their extreme ideas won’t spread. That is a sure fire way to eliminate extremism, unlike FPTP. If the governments that FPTP produces are so amazing, why can’t they legislate away hate groups? Why not implement the death penalty for persistently hateful people?

What on Earth are you trying to say? Is this an actual set of questions? Seriously?

Democracy matters, people, and their agency matters.

Yup. But having a government that can help people also matters. Again, if democracy is the only goal, why not direct democracy? Oh right, those tradeoffs.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Yes… No one is disputing that

You literally just were in your last message.

That’s literally the point, PR has worse outcomes than FPTP

That's your opinion, which isn't supported by the evidence, nor mathematics.

If this is your definition of extremism, you realllllllllly need to read more.

Yes, using the notwithstanding clause was considered extreme by the writers of the constitution. "It's polisci 101". That the notwithstanding clause expires after 5 years, because the government would be required to have an election by the constitution, and would be put up for review, albeit ineffective review under FPTP. So yes, it is extreme, and another example of you being out of touch with reality.

Furthermore, how does this address the actual point? Another example of you evading points.

Yes, democracy is a good thing but there are tradeoffs. Yet again, consider why you are not advocating for direct democracy, which is more democratic than PR.

Again, feasibility was always a presupposition, so a direct democracy doesn't make sense. We both already know this. I've already said I've not pretending democracy isn't the only consideration. To keep bringing up this point that nobody is arguing about is lazy.

What are you trying to say? (with respect to parties and FPTP).

I'm trying to say that FPTP does not easily permit you to vote out parties, as you would love to be the case.

Yup. But having a government that can help people also matters

Having a government that respects people's agency also matters. And look at the US government under FPTP, it's abandoning it's people, same with Canada tbh. Forcing the government to serve it's people so that nobody is left behind: only PR can do that.

Again, if democracy is the only goal, why not direct democracy? Oh right, those tradeoffs.

Bringing up the same tired talking point again, when I've never denied judging based on other factors. This isn't new information.

And so you have or haven't looked into ranked ballots? You're saying it's impossible to eliminate extremism under PR, when ranked ballots (STV) actually will do that for you inherently. "you being ignorant doesn’t change reality".

You actually don’t care about people and their ability to govern themselves. I cite the Supreme court reference question on Quebec’s secession, in which the court states Canada would have no basis to deny Quebec to self govern, if that’s what they decided – on the basis of international law. You are the one who is out of touch with reality. It’s not “hey this is more democratic” it’s that people have the right to self-determination. It makes no sense for a minority to govern on the behalf of the majority. A point that you have not been able to refute, except literally throwing democracy to the fire.

Where's the response to this?

Under your own logic, extremists are difficult to elect, so under a PR system, extremists will always have less than majority (by inherently being extremist), meaning they will never pass legislation.

And this?

you’ve become the very thing you’ve so deeply despise, an extremist who thinks it’s acceptable, even preferable, that people are denied their democratic rights.

And this?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You literally just were in your last message.

Maybe share a quote of what you're misunderstanding?

That’s your opinion, which isn’t supported by the evidence, nor mathematics.

I mean, I've shared examples and theory as to why this is the case, repeatedly.

Yes, using the notwithstanding clause was considered extreme

Again, if you're going to accuse the Ontario Conservative party of being extremists, that's a pretty ridiculous bar. You should look at actual extremist parties, like the AfD, Die Linke, FPO etc. Lumping in the Ontario conservatives with those groups makes it even harder to take you seriously.

You actually don’t care about people and their ability to govern themselves. I cite the Supreme court reference question on Quebec’s secession, in which the court states Canada would have no basis to deny Quebec to self govern, if that’s what they decided – on the basis of international law. You are the one who is out of touch with reality. It’s not “hey this is more democratic” it’s that people have the right to self-determination. It makes no sense for a minority to govern on the behalf of the majority. A point that you have not been able to refute, except literally throwing democracy to the fire.

I have no idea what you're trying to say here, besides misusing the word literally. Somehow me being a fan of FPTP means I hate democracy or something?

Under your own logic, extremists are difficult to elect, so under a PR system, extremists will always have less than majority (by inherently being extremist), meaning they will never pass legislation.

I have no idea what "logic" you're using. Maybe... Do you not understand how legislation is typically passed in a PR system? Basically, it's very rare for a government to form a majority under PR, so they make deals with other parties to work together as part of what's called a coalition government, under which the parties trade priorities etc. For an example of how this plays out, look to Israel, where the government is held hostage by a number of small extreme right parties, which keeps the war going farther than most Israelis and defence personnel wanted. There are numerous far right people in cabinet, like Smotrich etc helping to craft and pass legislation.

you’ve become the very thing you’ve so deeply despise, an extremist who thinks it’s acceptable, even preferable, that people are denied their democratic rights.

Sorry, you want me to respond to you deciding that I am an extremist for supporting FPTP? What a bizzare stance. Because I understand the consequences of PR I'm an extremist for being opposed to it? Out of curiosity, were the 40% who voted to return to FPTP in New Zealand also extremists?

Or do you not understand what extremism is? You seem to use the word like trump uses rigged, everything you don't like is extremism.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You keep claiming that PR leads to "significant costs that outweigh the benefits of more democracy," but you haven't substantiated those costs beyond vague references to extremism. Let's be clear about what's happening here: FPTP doesn't prevent extremism - it just masks it or channels it differently. When extremist views capture a major party (as we've seen in several FPTP countries recently), those views can actually gain disproportionate power rather than being contained.

Your fundamental argument seems to be that giving people accurate representation is dangerous because some of those people might have views you consider extreme. This position is profoundly anti-democratic at its core. Democracy isn't just about getting outcomes you personally agree with - it's about a fair process where everyone's voice matters proportionally to their numbers in society.

You mention the AfD in Germany as if FPTP would prevent such a party from gaining influence. But Germany's system actually demonstrates PR working exactly as intended - the AfD has representation proportional to their support (no more, no less), while coalition dynamics have successfully kept them from wielding government power. Meanwhile, in FPTP systems like the UK and US, we've seen extremist factions capture major parties and gain significant power with minority support. The Tea Party and MAGA movements in the US, despite representing minority viewpoints, have wielded enormous influence by capturing a major party in a two-party system. This illustrates how FPTP can actually amplify extremism rather than containing it.

When I point out that using the notwithstanding clause to override constitutional rights is extreme, you dismiss it as trivial. But systematic constitutional violations by minority-supported governments are precisely what should concern us all. The Ontario PCs, elected by a minority of voters (43%), can implement policies opposed by the majority (57%). This is the "tyranny of the minority" that FPTP enables. How can you argue this is more democratic or produces better outcomes than a system that requires genuine majority support for policies to be enacted?

The direct democracy comparison isn't relevant to our discussion - I've consistently acknowledged feasibility constraints throughout our conversation. Representative democracy is our practical framework, and within that framework, PR offers substantially better democratic outcomes without the practical challenges of direct democracy. Bringing up direct democracy repeatedly is simply a distraction from the actual comparison at hand: FPTP versus PR within representative systems.

You keep avoiding my central point about the legitimacy of majority rule. If 60% of voters didn't vote for the governing party, how can you justify that party implementing policies those 60% of voters oppose? In PR systems, coalitions must represent majority viewpoints to form government and pass legislation. This means policies generally have broader support across the population. What's your response to this fundamental democratic deficit in FPTP?

It's also worth noting that STV and other ranked ballot systems (forms of PR) actually address the extremism concern better than FPTP does. They ensure candidates must have broader appeal to win, unlike FPTP where candidates can win with small pluralities in crowded fields. This is precisely why electoral reform advocates often support these systems - they combine proportionality with incentives for moderation and consensus-building.

Your arguments about FPTP creating more "efficient" government ignore the evidence from countries that actually use PR systems. New Zealand, Germany, and the Nordic countries consistently outperform FPTP countries on measures of good governance, economic stability, and social outcomes. These PR systems produce governments that may take slightly longer to form but then implement policies with broader popular support and thus greater legitimacy and staying power. The claim that PR produces worse outcomes simply isn't supported by international evidence.

The evidence from New Zealand is particularly instructive. They switched from FPTP to MMP in the 1990s, and while there was initial skepticism, subsequent referendums have shown growing support for the PR system as people experienced its benefits. The coalition governments formed under MMP have been stable and effective, contrary to the doom-and-gloom predictions of PR opponents.

Your argument about small parties holding governments "hostage" in PR systems ignores the fact that FPTP regularly allows small regional parties to extract disproportionate concessions. In Canada, we've seen how parties with geographically concentrated support can wield influence far beyond their actual vote share. PR would actually reduce this type of distortion by ensuring all votes count equally regardless of geographic concentration.

I also notice you haven't addressed the mathematical superiority of PR in terms of representing voter preferences. PR systems consistently outperform FPTP on metrics like the Gallagher Index, which measures the proportionality of electoral outcomes. This isn't just theoretical - it means millions of voters who cast ballots for non-winning candidates under FPTP essentially have no representation at all. How can you justify a system that systematically discards so many votes?

You suggested that I'm calling you an "extremist" for supporting FPTP, but that mischaracterizes my position. What I'm saying is that opposing proportional representation fundamentally opposes a key democratic principle: that representation should match voting patterns. When you argue against PR, you're arguing that some people's votes should count more than others based solely on where they live or who they support. That's a position that contradicts basic democratic values and is therefore extreme.

But the majority (60%) preferred to keep the more proportional system after experiencing both. This suggests that when people actually experience PR, most come to prefer it over FPTP.

My position ultimately comes down to this: in a democracy, your vote should contribute meaningfully to representation regardless of where you live or which party you support. FPTP systematically denies this for millions of voters in every election. That's not a minor technical detail - it's a fundamental democratic deficit that undermines the very purpose of elections.

The idea that we should deny people fair representation because we fear what policies might result from that representation turns democracy on its head. If you truly believe in democratic principles, you must accept that sometimes voters will support policies you disagree with. The solution isn't to rig the system to prevent those voices from being heard - it's to engage in the democratic process to persuade others of your position.

If PR systems truly produced such terrible outcomes as you claim, we would expect to see countries moving away from them toward FPTP. Instead, we see the opposite trend globally - countries with FPTP systems are increasingly adopting more proportional alternatives. This suggests that the practical experience with PR is largely positive, contrary to your theoretical concerns.

I remain convinced that proportional representation is fundamentally more democratic than FPTP and produces better governance outcomes for citizens. The evidence from countries using PR supports this view. Rather than fearing what might happen if everyone's vote counted equally, we should embrace a system that ensures exactly that.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You keep claiming that PR leads to “significant costs that outweigh the benefits of more democracy, but you haven’t substantiated those costs beyond vague references to extremism.

You not paying attention or forgetting doesn't mean I haven't demonstrated them:

For an example of how this plays out, look to Israel, where the government is held hostage by a number of small extreme right parties, which keeps the war going farther than most Israelis and defence personnel wanted. There are numerous far right people in cabinet, like Smotrich etc helping to craft and pass legislation.

Giving small extremist groups power is a consequence of PR that is largely mitigated in FPTP. It’s why the AFD doesn’t have a politcally viable analog here.

If you have a system that tends to produce poor outcomes (large coalition governments unable to pass significant legislation, hate groups getting chokeholds on government etc) then those outcomes can outweigh the goodness of democracy.

PR is leading to increasingly bad outcomes (Israel, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Poland etc.)

We’ve just passed a national school lunch program, are working on affordable day care and expanding healthcare to cover dental work. For better or worse, the Liberals have a very clear record you can vote on, whether you think they allowed too much immigration or you support their work on childcare, they have a clear record that they own and we are thus able to vote on it. This is not possible in a PR system. (What were the things your party actually made happen vs the results of messy compromises with a dozen parties? In the German context, as they’ll need literally every party to avoid working with the AFD, how are you possibly able to apportion blame or praise on any party?)

Think about the extreme right in Israel, who despite being fairly unpopular are pushing ahead some fairly aggressive anti-Palestinian moves. This caaaaaaaaan happen in a fptp system but is much less likely.

I mean, I've shown you the theory and the practice. And we haven't even got into the democratic theory around accountability, the mechanics of why Canadian government would be uniquely dangerous in a PR system, etc.

You suggested that I’m calling you an “extremist” for supporting FPTP, but that mischaracterizes my position. What I’m saying is that opposing proportional representation fundamentally opposes a key democratic principle: that representation should match voting patterns. When you argue against PR, you’re arguing that some people’s votes should count more than others based solely on where they live or who they support. That’s a position that contradicts basic democratic values and is therefore extreme.

Kid, deciding that everyone who disagrees with you on an issue is an extremist is fucking childish. Again, I ask a very simple question, the 40% of New Zealanders who voted to revert back to FPTP, were they extremists?

You keep avoiding my central point about the legitimacy of majority rule. If 60% of voters didn’t vote for the governing party, how can you justify that party implementing policies those 60% of voters oppose?

Please let this actually be your central point.

No, I haven't avoided this. I've said over and over again, that democracy is a great value but there are competing values (like being able to create a government that can look after those people.)

But, the justification for this is pretty simple, those voters are adults, who are capable of making rational decisions. When an election is called, they aren't completely flummoxed as to who stands where in the polls. If say 60% of voters in Ontario believed the Conservatives were a dangerous extremist party, they could vote for the party they believe best positioned to remove them. That's the power and purpose of democracy, accountability. Look what is happening in the national polls, the Conservatives polling numbers haven't changed significantly but what has happened is voters seem to be coalescing around the Liberals.

Accountability is the great strength of the FPTP. For better or worse, the Liberals own their record. They have passed policy and we can judge them on that policy. In a PR coalition of several parties, how to apportion blame or success?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

You claim I'm childish for pointing out the anti-democratic nature of FPTP, but it's not about labelling people as "extremists" - it's about identifying principles that fundamentally contradict democracy, I was only using your language. So let me address your question directly: No, the 40% of New Zealanders who voted to keep FPTP weren't extremists. But the more telling statistic is that 60% preferred to keep MMP after experiencing both systems, suggesting that when people actually experience proportional representation, most come to prefer it over FPTP.

Your accountability argument for FPTP completely falls apart under scrutiny. You claim that "the Liberals own their record" under FPTP, but when a party forms government with just 35-40% of the vote, they don't truly represent the majority of citizens. How is it accountability when the Ontario PCs can implement policies opposed by 57% of voters? That's not accountability - it's minority rule masquerading as majority mandate.

The idea that voters can simply "coalesce" around the party best positioned to defeat an unpopular government shows how FPTP forces a toxic dynamic where citizens must vote strategically against what they fear rather than for what they want. This strategic voting necessity undermines the very democratic expression you claim FPTP promotes. In PR systems, voters can express their actual preferences without fear of "wasting" their vote.

Your argument about "competing values" between democracy and effective governance creates a false dichotomy that isn't supported by evidence. Countries using PR systems consistently demonstrate that representative democracy and effective governance are compatible. The Nordic countries, Germany, and New Zealand all implement comprehensive, stable policy programs under PR systems. In fact, policies in these countries tend to have greater longevity and stability precisely because they're built on broader consensus rather than see-sawing between opposite extremes with each election cycle.

The "policy lurch" under FPTP systems wastes billions in abandoned initiatives every time government changes hands. Look at Ontario's energy policy over the last few decades - a perfect example of how successive governments with minority support completely reverse course, creating costly inefficiencies and long-term planning disasters. PR systems tend to produce more stable policy environments because radical changes require genuine majority support.

Your argument about coalitions and accountability also fails to acknowledge how FPTP distorts political incentives. In our current system, parties only need to appeal to voters in swing ridings, ignoring safe seats entirely. This creates geographical inequalities where some citizens' votes matter more than others depending solely on where they live. Meanwhile, in rural areas like Hastings-Lennox and Addington, over 51% of voters had their votes completely discarded in the last election. Is that accountability?

The mathematical superiority of PR is undeniable. PR systems consistently outperform FPTP on metrics like the Gallagher Index, which measures the proportionality of electoral outcomes. This isn't just theoretical - it means millions of real voters who cast ballots under FPTP essentially have no representation at all. I repeat my central question: How can you justify a system that systematically discards so many votes?

You argue that FPTP creates "clear" accountability, but the reality is that it often creates false majorities that implement policies the majority of voters opposed. In PR systems, coalitions must represent majority viewpoints to form government and pass legislation. This means policies generally have broader support across the population. When controversial legislation passes in a PR system, it typically has genuine majority support rather than being imposed by a minority-supported government.

If your concern is truly extremism, consider that STV and other ranked ballot systems (forms of PR) actually address this better than FPTP. They ensure candidates must have broader appeal to win, unlike FPTP where candidates can win with small pluralities in crowded fields. This is precisely why electoral reform advocates often support these systems - they combine proportionality with incentives for moderation and consensus-building.

The evidence from countries using PR supports the view that proportional representation is fundamentally more democratic than FPTP and produces better governance outcomes for citizens. Rather than fearing what might happen if everyone's vote counted equally, we should embrace a system that ensures exactly that - because a democracy where millions of votes are systematically discarded is no true democracy at all.

Your entire argument rests on the premise that the "effectiveness" of majority governments formed with minority support outweighs the democratic deficit inherent in FPTP. But this premise fails on two counts: first, it assumes FPTP actually delivers more effective governance (which international evidence contradicts), and second, it dismisses the fundamental democratic principle that representation should match voting patterns as merely one value among many rather than a core requirement of democratic legitimacy.

What I find most troubling in your position is the willingness to accept the disenfranchisement of millions of voters based on hypothetical governance concerns that aren't supported by evidence. The purpose of an electoral system is to provide representation to constituents, not to deny representation. If we live in a democracy, we are deserving and entitled to representation in government. If you have an issue with that, then your issue is with democracy itself, not with PR.