Comic Books
A place to discuss comic books of all types, from old to new, Big 2 to indie, and everything in between.
Floppies, graphic novels, compilations, omnibusses (omnibusi?) are all fair game.
There is only one rule:*
Comic Books is a no judgement zone.
You can talk all you want about how Rob Liefeld is trash, Bob Kane is an asshole, or Frank Miller and Dave Sim’s politics have made them toxic, that’s all good.
If, however, another user is LEGITIMATELY a fan of something you don’t like, that does NOT make them a lesser person. Attack the art for being bad, not the person for being a fan of bad art.
* I lied. There are TWO rules... No piracy. Cover shots? That's good. Interior pages, in moderation? Sure. Full books? Links to pirate sites? That's how we get things shut down. :(
I'm not saying it's been a problem, because it hasn't been.
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Welcome! Always happy to have more people here!
My number one recommendation is the One hand & Six fingers comic. They are 2 separate comics with an interwoven story arch. It is a completed story so no waiting on new editions.
If you are into DC and Marvel they both have an alternative universe run at the moment that is pure gold. The Ultimate titles from Marvel and Absolute for DC. From Marvel I also like the Ryan North Fantastic Four series, short one off adventures with an overarching story.
Lastly Image Comics is having some really cool non hero comics, Grommits, Wicked and Divine, Geiger (kinda superhero-ey).
There is so much good stuff at the moment, I hope you will have a blast!
Thanks! I'll probably not be super active, I rarely am, but comics are fun so who knows...
I'm not very interested in supers, generally speaking, so I'll probably not look into Marvel or DC. I have a bunch of Image comics, some as floppies others digital and I've read a little from Wicked and Divine and thought it looked interesting. I'll definitely be re-reading those to see what I think now. One hand & Six fingers looks interesting, so that's one I'll look into as well.
I've already ordered the first trade of Isola, should get it tomorrow, and have my eye on Somna (which incidentally means 'fall asleep' in Swedish) . Thanks for the suggestions.