Thanks! I'll probably not be super active, I rarely am, but comics are fun so who knows...
I'm not very interested in supers, generally speaking, so I'll probably not look into Marvel or DC. I have a bunch of Image comics, some as floppies others digital and I've read a little from Wicked and Divine and thought it looked interesting. I'll definitely be re-reading those to see what I think now. One hand & Six fingers looks interesting, so that's one I'll look into as well.
I've already ordered the first trade of Isola, should get it tomorrow, and have my eye on Somna (which incidentally means 'fall asleep' in Swedish) . Thanks for the suggestions.
Oh, I know the music is a small part. I discovered the comic in the early 80s and have most of the volume one magazines (and the rest of volume one in various collections). Jaime's stories don't really kick off proper until after the Mechanix story, though a lot of the parts are there from the get go. The pro solar mechanic stuff etc is a great read though.
I'd love to have the first fifty set, but it's a bit expensive for me. I'll make do with the library trades.