"Yeah guys I'm totally not racist, I just think those dirty yellow ching-chongs are ugly and inferior to our superior white race and we should nuke all those subhumans to make way for more lebensraum for the white race !1!!1111!!1!111"
Anti-Asian RacismA liberal once made an anti-CPC song with the lyrics "They say ching chang chong and oppress Hong Kong"
That sounds like something I would have found funny back when I was an idiot eleven-year-old.
Good memes, bad memes, unite towards a united front.
"Yeah guys I'm totally not racist, I just think those dirty yellow ching-chongs are ugly and inferior to our superior white race and we should nuke all those subhumans to make way for more lebensraum for the white race !1!!1111!!1!111"
Anti-Asian Racism
A liberal once made an anti-CPC song with the lyrics "They say ching chang chong and oppress Hong Kong"That sounds like something I would have found funny back when I was an idiot eleven-year-old.