Of course! This did not happen on June 14 2023: https://t.me/ukraine_watch/4209
Or this in April: https://t.me/ukraine_watch/621?single
Next you are going to tell me Ukraine is not run by Nazis?
Links don't work, it's just opening my sms app for some reason.
They are Telegram links. You might need to use their app.
Ah, I was confused since I guess the t was twitter.
It's easy to believe that everyone's a Nazi when you get your news from actual Nazis.
Are you a random word generator or something?
ArE yOu A rAnDoM wOrD gEnErAtOr?
Of course! This did not happen on June 14 2023: https://t.me/ukraine_watch/4209
Or this in April: https://t.me/ukraine_watch/621?single
Next you are going to tell me Ukraine is not run by Nazis?
Links don't work, it's just opening my sms app for some reason.
They are Telegram links. You might need to use their app.
Ah, I was confused since I guess the t was twitter.
It's easy to believe that everyone's a Nazi when you get your news from actual Nazis.
Are you a random word generator or something?
ArE yOu A rAnDoM wOrD gEnErAtOr?