Pixel art and spritesheets! It's just the tool I have years of experience with and feel the most comfortable with. I tried to switch to other similar tools, however the mild difference in processes causes me to honestly be unable to adapt.
In theory I could use a different program. In practice my brain just goes "me no likey" and my creative energy dies.
What do you do that you need paint.net specifically?
Genuine question, it's been a long time since I've used it, so I'm not very up to date on what it can do
Pixel art and spritesheets! It's just the tool I have years of experience with and feel the most comfortable with. I tried to switch to other similar tools, however the mild difference in processes causes me to honestly be unable to adapt.
In theory I could use a different program. In practice my brain just goes "me no likey" and my creative energy dies.
Oh, I feel you on that one. When my goblin brain doesn't want to cooperate, it doesn't want to cooperate, not much I can do about that.