Or to look your crush up in the phone book after working up the courage for ages. Call, heart-racing. Parent answers. Ask for the girl. They yell across the house. One year later. "Hello?"
"Hey, it's me, ivanafterall."
Classic rite of passage, am I right, guys!? We've all been there!
Or have ever called a landline hoping the dad won't pick it up, and then when he does fear for one's own life.
I see you learned the arcane AT commands to keep the modem from screeching when you connected to the internet.
Or to look your crush up in the phone book after working up the courage for ages. Call, heart-racing. Parent answers. Ask for the girl. They yell across the house. One year later. "Hello?"
"Hey, it's me, ivanafterall."
Classic rite of passage, am I right, guys!? We've all been there!