How can 1 person use 4 plates and 12 forks before dinner in 1 day!?! How!
I have been asking my wife this for 3 years now. She still hasn't been able to give a satisfactory answer.
Hey fuck you. "BECAUSE!!!!!" is a perfectly satisfactory answer
Maybe for you, but I'm the one who does the dishes, if every plate and half the cups are dirty in a single day when I've been at work, then I'd like to know how 2 meals used 6 plates and a dozen cups.
I have been asking my wife this for 3 years now. She still hasn't been able to give a satisfactory answer.
Hey fuck you. "BECAUSE!!!!!" is a perfectly satisfactory answer
Maybe for you, but I'm the one who does the dishes, if every plate and half the cups are dirty in a single day when I've been at work, then I'd like to know how 2 meals used 6 plates and a dozen cups.