Pentagon officials have been frustrated for months over an Alabama senator’s blockade of more than 300 senior military nominations. But after the Marine Corps chief was hospitalized over the weekend, that frustration is turning into rage.
Gen. Eric Smith had been filling both the No. 1 and No. 2 Marine Corps posts from July until he was finally confirmed as commandant in September. He, along with more than 300 other senior officers, was swept up in the promotions blockade put in place by GOP Sen. Tommy Tuberville in protest of the Pentagon’s abortion travel policy.
In an interview Wednesday, Tuberville brushed off the comments from the DOD officials.
“They’re looking for someone to blame it on, other than themselves,” he said. “We could have all these people confirmed if they’d have just gone by the Constitution.
“I don’t listen to these people,” he added. “They’re just looking for any possible way to get themselves out of a jam.”
I agree. Schumer as much as admitted that he refused to bring the promotions to the floor because the Dems was to apply political ressure to Tuberville. They want the Republicans to look bad, and get tagged as opposing our armed forced. They let the Tommy Tumor grow and fester and now it's unmanageable. They could have been bypassing him for months.
It's never a Republican's fault. Always. Everyone else's around them. There may be more democrats could do. But this falls squarely on Tubervils shoulder.
Let me tell you the story of the scorpion and the frog.
The scorpion wants to punish women for having sex because he believes that if he is cruel enough, he gets to hang out with his invisible friend, who happens to be the creator of the universe, after the scorpion dies.
The frog could stop the scorpion from making people suffer, but the frog needs votes and donations to stay in power, and nothing motivates donors and voters like hatred. The woodland creatures who support the frog hate the scorpion, so the frog ignores the scorpion while complaining that there's nothiny he can do.
I neve said it wasn't Tuberville's fault. I'm frustrated that the Senate Democrats didn't just go around him because they wanted the political pressure to grow.
Storytelling is not your thing.
Perhaps not.
I actually thought it was an interesting take on an old parable. The frog might actually be another scorpion though. And the woodland creatures secretly support both scorpions to ensure that neither one stings them.