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New Communities
A place to post new communities all over Lemmy for discovery and promotion.
The rules for behavior are a straight carry over of Mastodon.World's rules. You can click the link but we've reposted them here in brief, as a guideline. We will continue to use the Mastodon.World rules as the master list. Over all, be nice to each other and remember this isn't a community built around debate. For the rules about formatting your posts, scroll down to number 2.
1. Follow the rules of, which can be found here.
A. Provide an inclusive and supportive environment. This means if it isn't rulebreaking and we can't be supportive to them then we probably shouldn't engage.
B. No illegal content.
C. Use content warnings where appropriate. This means mark your submissions NSFW if need be.
D. No uncivil behavior. This includes, but is not limited to: Name Calling; Bullying; Trolling; Disruptive Commenting; or Personal Criticisms.
E. No Harrassment. As an example in relation to Transgender people this includes, deadnaming, misgendering, and promotion of conversion therapy. Similarly Misogyny, Misandry, and Racism are also banned here.
2. Include a community title and description in your post title. - A following example of this would be New Communities - A place to post new communities all over Lemmy for discovery and promotion.
3. Follow the formatting. - The formatting as included below is important for people getting universal links across Lemmy as easily as possible.
Please include this following format in your post:
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Q: Why do I get a 404?
A: At least one user in an instance needs to search for a community before it gets fetched. Searching for the community will bring it into the instance and it will fetch a few of the most recent posts without comments. If a user is subscribed to a community, then all of the future posts and interactions are now in-sync.
Q: When I try to create a post, the circle just spins forever. Why is that?
A: This is a current known issue with large communities. Sometimes it does get posted, but just continues spinning, but sometimes it doesn't get posted and continues spinning. If it doesn't actually get posted, the best thing to do is try later. However, only some people seem to be having this problem at the moment.
Image Attribution:
Fahmi, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons>>
It already is a toxic witch-hunt here. Try posting that you like an Apple product or that you don’t like Linux or Android and you’ll immediately get called a shill. Try it! It’s fun!
If you get downvoted on lemmy you don't get a 10min timeout and karma reduction like on reddit. So you may as well say what you want and wear the downvotes proud.
The app I use doesn’t even LET me downvote, so hah!
Oh I do. Downvotes don't matter at all on Lemmy. It's just annoying because some people think they do and they think if they get upvotes that it means they're right.
If they don't matter currently for moderation I have to imagine they'll be part of a moderation toolkit eventually. Leveraging community voting to detect spam would be decently effective, especially for fresh accounts.
Don't you dare tell anybody here that you use Chrome and that you like it.
I use Chrome exclusively because Firefox is a broken resource hog.
Seriously? Have you missed the memes that Chrome will eat your memory? They were everywhere for a while.
No, I didn't miss any of those lies.
I’ve never understood why people gush over Linux as a windows replacement. Why yes having to manually search for drivers for every product known to man and not being able to run even a fraction of what is on steam sounds like a fantastic time!
Apple legitimately makes super solid hardware. Their Apple watch heart rate accuracy is second only to chest straps and has a ton of very useful features. It is pretty much the best as far as integration, a "health watch" and haptics.
Their phones and laptops have some beautiful hardware design too.
Their business side just sucks donkey cock is all. But google is just as bad as Apple so potato potahto. Nobody should fanboy when every choice is shit lol
Now you’re getting it!
Begins whistling the start of a musical number
Depends, if you mean for the average user then it's good, but still overpriced as hell, and you have to deal with the Apple philosophy of "we did the thinking for you, if you dislike our choices it's not matter of preference, you're just wrong" no matter what.
Enterprise use cases you might as well pitch your Apple products in the trash, they won't work and you'll spend more time figuring out which USB-C Thunderbolt to 10G SR optical fiber converter actually works than you will getting productivity done.
No, pricing is the side of Apple's business that is absolute shit. If you look at the PCBs, they are usually very well designed with proper shielding, high-quality components, and good layout. Apple Silicon is one of the world's best silicon design orgs.
Most of what you describes is quite literally their business and aesthetic design choices that have little or nothing to do with the hardware. I agree that all of those are shit and that's why I would never buy it. The only bad hardware they have are marketing/business choices (i.e. no sd card to sell higher NVM models, lightning to vendor-lock customers, dongle hell to sell more dongles, etc...)
Though indeed the dongle situation is really fucking stupid also.
I work for a telecommunications company and we obviously sell mobile phones as well as our own brand of routers and repeaters. Here in Germany, there is no obligation to use anything your provider gives you, so ppl are legitimately free to use whatever modem/router they want. Our's is plenty enough for everyone who just wants a thing that sits in the corner and is never interacted with. Hell, It even has VPN via Wireguard and dynamic DNS and a little display. Are there more sophisticated routers out there? Hell yes. Yet, whenever my noob friends or family ask me for advice and I go "just by the one we're offering and be done with it", they call me a shill.
So... Why do you ask if you don't want to hear the response and why the hell would I sell you something I know doesn't fit your needs when you'd come to me with your complaints?!
Jesse... what the fuck are you talking about?
That people call me a shill for recommending the stuff from the company I work for which I only recommend because
A) I know it so I can help them with their problems and
b) I got it cheaper, so I tried it and I know that it's alright
But people will first ask me "because I work at a Telco" and then not believe me because "of course you'd say that, you work at a Telco".
I was adding a personal anecdote to the argument you made that people calling out "shills" often depends on if they share your opinion or not.
Got it. I think we're specifically talking about Lemmy, though, and online communities where people don't even know your identity. Your anecdote just makes me think your family is crazy. They know you and still call you a shill? That's nuts.
No, there's definitely some infrequent advertising on lemmy. I block it (and frequently any community that contains it) or I'd point you at two or three examples I've seen in my time here.
This is exactly what's going to happen, the idea that corporate entities are even aware of us let alone investing resources into convincing the few hundred commenters on Lemmy of their opinions is ridiculous.
This will just turn into "oh, you have a dissenting opinion? You're a corporate shill."
Can't wait, we'll lose even more people and then I'll end up just going to Tildes exclusively as the echo chamber becomes even more severe than it already is here.
Tildes is not growing, they still just have the one admin for the handful of thousands of posters. I honestly can't figure out what the strategy is over there, because the stated plan was not being enacted last I checked. Also, the admin is a tightass.
this is a very naive guess...
You're free to block it if you want. I'd argue that there is a non-zero chance that there are zero astroturfers here right now. The censorship on in general is enough to cause me to start this community. Look at the billionaire thread. The mods were so intensely pro-billionaire that they deleted MANY comments calling for the guillotine as a solution to the world's billionaire problem. After a while, they had to give up because it was making them look like what they are: Lemmy's staunch defenders of crony capitalism.
although there's definitely astroturfing, mods tend to censor calls to violence regardless
... maybe just don't call for other people's deaths. And incidentally, the guillotine is centuries old, and in the modern day would be completely ineffective in the face of offshore bank accounts and private jets.
753 people who, if they didn't exist, the earth would INSTANTLY become a better place. We are being sent barreling enthusiastically toward climate collapse by those exact 753 greedy dragons who are sitting on piles of money that they literally couldn't spend in 10,000,000 lifetimes, literally buying up governments rather than do ANYTHING to dial back their excess and you? You're sitting here tone-policing people. If that isn't hail corporate, I really don't know what is!
Thanks for so clearly demonstrating exactly why I started this community. I'm guessing you're a lib who thinks Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, and Nancy Pelosi are working hard in your best interest but those darned Republicans keep getting in the way.
PS. You'd have a point if mods had removed posts calling for the deaths of innocent Palestinian people.
This is why most people won’t take you seriously.
Says the 8-day-old account with only one comment on an instance filled with tech serfs who are either too comfortable with their bread and circus and healthcare tied to their employment that they afraid of upsetting their billionaire bosses. That instance, while great for technical talk, is about as fertile ground for political discussion as an automated helpdesk inside of a student loan app.
Good luck in life, you’ll need a lot
I hope you are someday rich enough where you can recover the integrity that left you so early in your life. You don't even realize that you won the birth lottery. You don't even realize that if you were simply born in another country, none of the comforts that have found you in life would even be possible. You are clearly comfortable enough to point fingers but captive enough to still kiss the ass of your master. You're a feudal serf and you don't even realize it.
I empathize with your plight. I used to be a lot like you (a victim of hustle culture, monetizing all of my hobbies) before I realized how rigged this game is. One doesn't often realize how rigged the game is until they get ground up like hamburger in it....and that is the difference between us.
It sounds like you’ve ping-ponged between two radical ideologies. Maybe you became so disillusioned with the lack of success from overworking yourself and now you’re angry at the state of the world, but lashing out at people trying to engage you in a discussion isn’t going to do any good.
Your assessment is incorrect.
I am what you would call empathetic. I’m actually comfortable in my life but I watched this happen to other people and I realized (after playing the stupid tribalist game over and over again) that this society tries to herd us into electoralism and socialist democracy while our demagogues flat out ignore their constituents with absolutely no regard for our needs. This society is too far gone for us to just keep voting for the lesser evil from between two people selected by a billionaire class that literally wants us to die so they can have more. We need to rise up and take back our societies before it is too late. There is no time left for incremental changes (which are actually just a disguise for austerity which has a ratcheting effect). The ruling class take a bigger chunk of our wages each year and you want me to play nice. No thanks. The time for half measures has long passed. If you don’t recognize that you either don’t have much empathy or you’re still very much asleep.
Dude stop smoking what you’re smoking. You know nothing about me and here you lay judgement.
Two comments! TWO! AH AH AH
You are extremely obnoxious dude. You talk about morality, yet you are fine with putting people to death. You are a hypocrite. Having a person like you in charge of a witchhunting community is even worse. Rethink what you are doing and remember that behind every nickname is a human.
I’m so sorry that the truth is obnoxious. I find you to be obnoxious and incredibly misguided. Did you get an “atta boy!” from a billionaire or are you just that much of a kiss-ass?
I see a human behind your nickname; One that is such a smug, self righteous prick that they don’t seem to understand that we are at a turning point in society and if we don’t stand up now, we will have an Orwellian, fascist society where innocent people are bombed using our tax money and we literally CANNOT say anything about it or we will be imprisoned.
To me, your stance equates to this: It’s fine to liquify babies with my tax money but I draw the line at suggesting we liquify the people who are liquifying those babies.