15 years has passed - it's time for a new mattress
A place to share practical, durable and quality made products that are made to last, with an emphasis on upcycled and sustainable products!
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The anti-BifL swindle → no B&M shops sell replacement covers for any mattress.
Some come with removable covers so you can theoretically put the covers in a washing machine, but there is no replacement. Eventually when you need to replace the cover no one will sell the cover you need. A salesperson confessed to me that a lot of the value is in the cover and if they made those replaceable it would damage their bottom line.
Some sales people argued: you can buy a separate cover. But of course a cover needs to breath or your skin would suffocate. And because it breathes, the mattress exterior is still exposed to sweat and spills. Otherwise sheets would be the answer. You can have a cover for a cover for a cover, and in the end the mattress exterior will still get stained or rank.
So this killed it for me. I refuse to buy a mattress if the shop does not sell a replacement exterior cover. We need Fairphone to get into the mattress business.