Saying the quiet part out loud, with pride
A place to post ridiculous posts from linkedIn.com
(Full transparency.. a mod for this sub happens to work there.. but that doesn't influence his moderation or laughter at a lot of posts.)
The minimum wage in Philippines is ~$6 per day in the provincial regions (350Php). $5 per hour for 8 hours is damn well nearly a king’s ransom; equivalent to 2,200Php.
Damn wtf
Thank you. ITT: Bunch of spoiled, outraged clueless people.
Just ask my Pilipino wife if $5/hr. is good money back home. She stared at me for a beat, "Oh yeah! That is very good!"
You can live damned well on $40/day. Her ex went over there and took her whole family out to dinner at a nice restaurant in Manila. 12 people, $50 including a generous tip. I make $81K/yr. and I couldn't take half that many people out to eat on a day's pay.