How to be an enlightened chess player
Holy hell
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I prefer black. Remember that the saying goes: "White begins, black wins." (I have no idea if this saying also exists in English but it does rime just as well as in German („Weiß beginnt, Schwarz gewinnt.”))
I don't agree and don't think the data agrees. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-move_advantage_in_chess
Two thoughts: white can more easily set the speed of the game, as well as not have to adapt to their choices (which black must do)
I know but still prefer black
Almost certainly for elo play and stuff where people learned all the first 10+ moves of all the viable opening strategies.
But as a casual player (ok, I was chess club in Jr high if that counts for anything) I always chose to play as black and have always won at least 90% of all my games played. I'd be confused as hell if I played as white, at this point.
I’ve always heard it as “It’s whites game to lose”.