I went into a thread only to find that I had commented on it. My comment was one from an entirely different thread and Memmy somehow mistakenly decided to pulled that comment into that thread.
Sorry guys but Memmy has been unusable since we left version V.0.3.
Apparently, it did post the comment in the right place but it displayed it in the wrong thread just because… it felt like it?
IMO, not really. If I post something and it ends up being posted from the wrong account, thereby doxxing me (which has happened more times than I can count now), that's pretty bad in my book. I keep downgrading to version .3 because it's the last version that tells the truth about who is posting where.
I'd like to see the devs fix these major issues before adding more features...and I know that they're working on it.
I simply want to browse and know that what I am posting is from the account name that is written in the bottom/middle of the app. At the moment, I can't even trust Memmy to do that. As it stands, I have to remember to manually reload every tab in the app (or shut the app down and restart it with the user I switched to).
As an iOS dev, swift engineer, and major critic of javascript and other non-native, ~~hacky~~, pragmatic solutions, using React Native on an app intended for one platform is probably more than a little bit to blame here.
Ps. don't even get me started about battery life, RAM usage, and background behavior of react native apps.
Please be more respectful as a fellow dev. We are doing this in our spare time and we don’t know Swift. We are doing this for fun, if you don’t like our hacky JavaScript app you can go use a different app. It doesn’t affect us since we are not making money off of this lol. I’m literally doing this in my spare time for free. This also has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with JavaScript and react native, it’s our state management.
Yeesh, you guys have been working on this app for less than 2 months and already a few of your users have developed a serious sense of entitlement.
Take it as a compliment, you’ve set an insanely high bar with Memmy - both in terms of its current state and the speed at which you made it. Please keep up the good work, and don’t let a few overly dramatic critics ruin it for you. They definitely don’t speak for the majority of your users.
Appreciate it! It's definitely been an adjustment dealing with public criticism vs just my tech lead asking why all my commits say "wtf" on my last PR lol