Thanks for the thoughtful reply, I definitely agree. I strongly believe the best avenue of success is through removing the dollar dependence. It feels like there was some rustling when Bitcoin started to gain traction but I believe that threats been coopted by the rich.
How can I subscribe to Lenincatfacts? You have a mastodon or something?
Nope just follow me around here I suppose. I'm more active on though and there's much much better and more educated comrades than myself there. I don't really think crypto was ever a threat, it certainly manage to convince people it was to sell itself to libertarians though.
Thanks for the thoughtful reply, I definitely agree. I strongly believe the best avenue of success is through removing the dollar dependence. It feels like there was some rustling when Bitcoin started to gain traction but I believe that threats been coopted by the rich.
How can I subscribe to Lenincatfacts? You have a mastodon or something?
Nope just follow me around here I suppose. I'm more active on though and there's much much better and more educated comrades than myself there. I don't really think crypto was ever a threat, it certainly manage to convince people it was to sell itself to libertarians though.