Do you light candles when your cat is around?
typical internet cats. videos, pics, memes welcome!
rule 1) be kind
other cat communities midwest.social cats
Never leave them alone together and it should be OK. We had an adult who was just a little funny in the head. Big super fluffy orange tabby. We had a small candle in the middle of our coffee table burning. Somehow, this crazy head decided it would then be good, while we were watching a movie, to do his most acrobatic love stretches around our legs and the coffee table. As we tried to push him away from the table a little his tail was moving around like a little periscope, or feeler, or something... next thing we knew, as he finally did move away, there was a little perfect tiny flame on the very tippy tips of his tail hair as he ran off. Of course I jumped forward to put him out, which he thought was a chase game and took off. I was young and able to dive and tackle him to make sure he didn't burst into flames or something. Just a couple burnt hairs, gross smell, and lost trust with me for the next day or so because of the tackle. He was super "special" his whole life and did things none of our other cats have. But, it put me on guard for the possibilities that exist and I'm super cautious with flames and fur going forward.
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